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ramonataylor: I should be packing for my new apartment but instead here I am taking mirror selfies

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ramonataylor: I should be packing for my new apartment but instead here I am taking mirror selfies

672.3k likes | 21.4k comments

tchalamet: hot

username: TIM WTF

username: things Ramona did: that

username: WIG

zendaya: a whole ass queen

ramonataylor: @ yourself next time hot stuff zendaya

username: kill me ur so hawt

hazosterfield: pls hurry up and leave already

ramonataylor: I HATE YOU hazosterfield

hazosterfield: THE FEELING IS MUTUAL

username: I can never tell if her and haz are serious or not lmao

tomholland2013: you should see them fighting in real life. One minute they're screaming at each other to go to hell and the next they're laughing and hugging. I HATE THEM MORE THEN THEY HATE EACH OTHER username

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timmy's got a phat crush on you mona

nah he just knows that when he flirts with me I get all flustered. He just loves torturing me

I repeat
Timmy's got a PHAT crush on you mona.

Z, I highly doubt it

god I really hate you sometimes
why shouldn't he?

bc he's Timothée Chalamet
and I'm "Zendaya's childhood best friend"

girl if you don't stfu
That's the dumbest shit I've ever heard
I'm really about to come over and slap the shit outta you

it ain't a lie though soooo 🤷‍♀️

tim likes you
If you can't see that then you're insane Ramona Taylor

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tommy boy
boy what in the-

timmy tim
was i even lying though?


timmy tim has removed haz from the group chat

tommy boy has added haz to the group chat

tommy boy
we love a man who stands up for his girl

timmy tim
not my girl

tommy boy
not yet you mean?

timmy tim
not happening I mean

not that I like care or anything but wtf why?

timmy tim
we're two different people from two different worlds. She needs someone who'll give her all their attention, someone who should be there for her whenever she needs them

tommy boy
and for some reason you can't do that?

timmy tim
if I was to be with her, I'd be leaving her all the time for work.
And she can't go with me bc she works in LA. And I wouldn't want to leave her all the time.
Hell, I didn't even want to leave Paris because I wanted to stay there with her.
It would just be pointless

so, you like her too much, is what you're saying?

timmy tim

tommy boy
do you think you could ever just give it a shot?

timmy tim
but again idk. We've only really known each other for a few months. If I were to try anything with her, I'd have to wait a little longer, just to see if what I feel for her is real or just something I wish was real

tommy boy
very adult of you tim
I applaud you, really

surprisingly I do as well

corduroy dreams | TIMOTHÉE CHALAMETWhere stories live. Discover now