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Ramona looked up at the sound of her name to see Tom holding a large box.

"Where do you want this one?" He asked.

"Put that one in the guest bedroom." Ramona told him.

"Yes ma'am." Tom called out as he walked away.

Ramona shook her head and laughed turning back to the table top her and Zendaya were currently painting.

"So, have you and Tim talked about yesterday at all?" Zendaya questioned.

"There isn't much to talk about." Ramona shrugged, grabbing a piece of her pizza taking a little bite.

"You guys made out at a Rex Orange County concert during Corduroy Dreams. How is there nothing to talk about?"

"I don't know, Z. How are you supposed to talk about it?" Ramona gave her a slightly annoyed expression.

"You speak about it like normal people. Something like, 'hey tim I just wanted to see what that kiss meant to you.' It's really not that hard Mona." Zendaya told her with a 'duh' tone.

"What if it didn't mean to him what it meant to me?"

"You'll never know until you ask."

⊶ ⊷

Ramona and Zendaya walked into her living room to see the boys sitting on her floor talking.

"Hey Tom, Harrison, can you come with me to go get some ice cream?" Zendaya asks aloud.

"Why can't we all go?" Harrison questions.

"Yeah, I feel like it would make a lot more sense if we all just-"

"Hey!" Zendaya yelled cutting Tom off from finishing his sentence. "Tom and Harrison! Get your asses up and let's get some damn ice cream now!"

"Wow ok, yeah let's go." Tom said turning to Harrison, getting up quickly.

They awkwardly say bye to Timothée and Ramona before walking out of the apartment.

"That was subtle." Timothée chuckled, standing up and walking towards the kitchen area where Ramona was stood.

"Yeah, definitely not obvious at all." Ramona replied sarcastically.

The two stood in silence for a few seconds before Timothée spoke up.

"So, I'm assuming we should talk about what happened."

"We don't have too, if you don't want too." Ramona looked anywhere but at Timothée as she spoke.

"Why wouldn't I want too?"

Ramona sighed. "I don't know. Maybe you just didn't mean it like that, you know. Like you saw it as an in the moment thing."

"Your saying it was it it an 'in the moment thing' for you?"

"No, not at all. I'm just saying, if you meant it that way, then I understand." Ramona looked up at Timothée to see him already staring at her.

Timothée scoffed a laugh. "I'm sorry but I'm really confused right now."

Ramona groaned, walking towards her living room and sitting on her couch. "I'm not good at these types of things Timmy. I'm just really not. You're too good for me, you know."

"Ramona, stop." Timothée walked over to her, sitting beside, grabbing her hands. "If anything, you're too good for me. Look, I like you Ramona, I like you a lot. A lot more then I should."

"I like you too. I just think we should wait. You're working on new movies, I'm leaving to Europe in August for a three months. We just have a lot going on." Ramona explained.

Timothée stared at Ramona with nothing but lust in his eyes.

"If you want to wait until our lives are less crazy, then I'll wait. I'll wait for as long as you need me too."

Ramona stared back into Timothée's eyes. She placed her hand on his cheek lightly and leans in to kiss him. Timothée kisses back instantly.

"How are you just going to tell me all of that and then kiss me afterwards?" Timothée chuckled as they separated.

"Sorry. I've been waiting to do that again since last night." Ramona smiled at him.

"I still can't believe you kissed me back right in front of the love of your life." Timothée joked.

"It probably wouldn't have worked between me and him anyways." Ramona shrugged.

"That's good news."

Timothée and Ramona smile at each other again before Timothée leans forward wrapping Ramona in a hug.

⊶ ⊷

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ramonataylor: shlumpty dumpty

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username: bAby

username: HOLY COW

hazosterfield: barf

tomholland2013: I agree with haz

ramonataylor: aw you guys actually think I care about your opinion! That's so cute hazosterfield tomholland2013

username: what a precious little baby

username: ok that's adorable

username: am I the only person freaking out at the fact that they're in the same bed together???? Like WHAT

zendaya: yes! yes! yes!

username: wait is this their way of confirming the relationship 🤔

ramonataylor: we're not dating username

tchalamet: you're right I sure did have a great fall (when I fell for you oops) 🤧🤧


ramonataylor: I can't believe you tchalamet

username: I can dig it

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