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Ramona stood in front of her vanity mirror just looking at herself with a confused look.

"Mona, you're hands are shaking so much, I'm scared they might fall off."

Ramona rolls her eyes and turns to her best friend, Zendaya, with an annoyed expression.

"I'm going on a date with Tom, how do you expect me to feel?" Ramona walks over and falls onto her bed.

Zendaya walks out of Ramona's closet and sits beside her on the bed.

"It's just Tom, Ramona. It's not like this is a blind date or something."

Before Ramona could respond Harrison's voice sounds through her apartment.

"Honey, we're home!"

Ramona sits up with a groan. "How did he get a house key?"

"Him and Tom stole the one you gave me the day you moved in and made copies." Zendaya tells her.

"Right, because that's normal."

Zendaya snorts a laugh as they both stand up from the bed. Ramona opens her bedroom door to come face to face with Timothée making her breath hitch. Timothée looks her up and down before letting out a shaky breath.

"You're really killing me here Ramona." He smiles at her.

"I'm sorry." Ramona says smiling back at him.

He shakes his head before turning away to walk back towards her living room. Zendaya and Ramona share a look before following after him. When they walk into the living room they see Tom stood by the door holding a single rose. He looks up at Ramona and gives her a small smile. He hands the rose to her.

"Thanks, Tom."

The pair smile at each other for a little but until Timothée interrupts. "Alright, let's get this over with shall we."

Ramona exhales slowly and nods, before walking out of her apartment with everyone else.

⊶ ⊷

Much to Ramona Taylor's surprise she was actually having a really good time with Tom. The group of friends did exactly what they planned, Tom and Ramona sat at their own booth while Zendaya, Harrison and Timothée sat at the booth behind them. For a little bit Ramona forgot they were even there with them.

Tom was currently in the middle of telling Ramona a story from when he was younger. As he spoke, Ramona studied his face closely. Ramona, had always thought Tom was handsome. He was funny, he was incredibly sweet, and every time she was with him she was always smiling.

As these thoughts were going through Ramona's head she glanced over a little to see Timothée in the booth behind them, watching the duo closely. Ramona liked Timothée, she liked him a lot actually. Not only was he undeniably handsome as well, he was also intelligent, hilarious, kind, nerdy and just everything Ramona Taylor had wanted in a guy. And in that moment it suddenly hit her, Ramona felt guilty for sitting here on a date with Tom. This meant only one thing, Ramona had really fallen for Timothée Chalamet.

Ramona was broken from her thoughts as she heard Tom let out a little sigh. She looks at him with concerned eyes. "What?"

"You're feeling weird about this whole thing too, huh?" Tom questions. Ramona doesn't say anything as even more guilt washed over her. "You know, I loved you, Ramona. I used to wake up everyday excited everyday, just because I couldn't wait to talk to you. I was wrapped around your finger completely. And the thing is, I still do love you, but not like before. You're my best friend, Ramona. And I think the reason this was one of the best dates I've ever been on, is because of that."

Ramona smiles softly at him as she takes his hand that was placed on the table. "I love you too, Tom. You really are an amazing guy."

Tom smiles back at her. He lifts her hand that was holding his and kisses the back of it. "Now, let's bring in your real date, shall we? I'm tired of feeling his stare burning the back of my head the entire time." Tom turn and looks at Timothée. "Come on man."

Timothée looks at him with wide eyes. "Huh?"

"You're dates waiting for you doofus. Where's your manners, Chalamet?" Tom jokes while standing up.

Realization hits Timothée as he stands up and swaps seats with Tom. He sits in front of Ramona and gives her a little wave. "Hi, Ramona."

Ramona couldn't help but laugh, and wave back. "Hi, Timothée."

"Do you think you'd want to reconsider not dating until you get back from Europe?" Timothée questions.

"October, Chalamet." Ramona reminds him. "It's only five months away."

Timothée nods slowly. He leans forward, looking at her. "It's normal for friends to kiss, right?"

Ramona shrugs with a smile on her face. "Yeah, I think it's pretty normal."

They two smile as they lean in closer until their lips touch. It was a short but sweet kiss. A kiss that Ramona would love to experience again.

"Alright, well move over bitches. We're crashing this thing." Zendaya tells them as her, Tom, and Harrison climb into their booth.

The night ends with the five best friends talking and laugh about random things as they all shared the large pizza that sat in the middle of them.

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