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naomi asuka. a beautiful half american, half japanese girl with blonde hair and blue eyes. she didn't look japanese in the slightest, which was surprising, as her sudden fluency was unexpected.

she was kind to me. for the first time in a long one, she spoke to me, not bearing pity in her voice, but rather friendliness, and an eagerness to do so. she was the first one who didn't know, who didn't want to console me. and somehow, it was amazing.

i couldn't hide it for a long time.

i woke up screaming one night, sweating, crying, scared. nightmares were regular — i expected them. but she didn't.

there she stood, in her adorable pajamas, rubbing her eyes with hairs poking out of her sleep-ruined bun, walking over to me, determined to make it all better.

that's when i explained.

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