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Things went completely black for a second, after that I could see the whole computer world. There were numbers everywhere, they go out of your way so you never run into them, There were portals everywhere, those portals are all the apps wich are on your computer. They all have a different colour and from time to time they change colours. I don't know why I know wich portal is for what... I just do. I walked straight to the Internet portal and walked through. I walked past all these sites wich I didn't have any interest in and I walked to the game department.

I found the site I was looking for: 'Online secret adventure' or 'OSA'. It has a weird name, but the game is fun. At the beginning you make a profile and choose your appearance and starting village. There 8 different starting villages, I don't remember all of them, I started in 'inbellis gladio' This village is where you mostly can buy light armor and learn sword fighting. It's also called the 'sword warrior' village.

I stepped into the site and entered OSA. I had the same appearance from when I was at my desktop. This actually exists in here and I like the look, that's why I didn't change it. But another fun fact about being able to enter a computer is that hacking becomes very easy. I guess when I enter the computer I'm downloaded, wich means I'm kind of a virus. I can change things in sites very easily. But I don't that very often because that would make the games boring.

I stepped right into a green field. This is where I got out last time. Now I have to look for my party. We have a building somewhere, so I took out my map and looked for our building. 'I still have a teleportation fruit. I can use it now.' I said to myself. I took out my teleportation fruit, wich looked like a grape, and ate it. I immediately appeared inside of our building.

It looked like a club house, but a big one. It had a comfortable bench and a coffee table, in the back there are stairs, up those stairs is our planning room. We have a big map right there so we can see almost the whole world, on a big map you can leave a message. For example, when I went to that big field I went alone, so I wanted the party to know that, I put a message on the field on that map, when people entered this room the map projected my message and it was pointed towards the field.

No one was there. No one could make it today, I totally forgot about that. If no one  is coming online then I guess that I'll go monster hunting on my own. I left a message on the map, you never know if someone comes online anyway. I went to a dungeon and started to slaughter the monsters. The monsters in dungeons drop a lot of items when you kill them, while the monsters in the field give you more XP. So when I was done killing monsters and sold all the items I gathered, I wanted to log out to play another game. But it didn't work. I couldn't log out. In my circumstances I usually don't have to do anything to log out. When I want to, I just do. But today was different, it didn't work and for as far as I know, there isn't another way for me to log out.

I know, I know there are a lot of descriptions in this part, but I think it's important to give you an idea of what kind of world I have in mind.

Now this is where the story begins my people, I hope it will become interesting.

See you in the next part.

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