Corrupted innocence

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My head hurts. I don't know how long it's been, but I know I'm uncomfortable.

"Wakey wakey, sleepy head. Come on, you don't want to miss this. WAKE UP!" A voice yelled, slapping me in the face. I awoke with a jump, swaying from side to side.

"Agh! I'm up! I'm up!" I said, still feeling a little woozy. I looked around to see where I could be. Nothing familiar. I then noticed the person who woke me up. He was a monster with an alligator head and long sharp teeth. He kinda looked like Rasticore, but more intact. It was then I realized I was tied up and hanging from a tree branch. I struggled to break free, yet nothing worked.

"Who are you? Where am I? Where's Star?" I asked, getting angrier with every question. The alligator shushed me.

"Relax. Everything will be revealed shortly. For now, allow me to introduce myself. I am Glorbuch, leader of the cult of Toffee. Our goal is to bring about his ressuection by any means necessary." Toffee? Again? Great. We just got rid of that guy and now these bozos wanna bring him back. I don't get paid enough for this. Glorbuch kept talking. "You see, when Toffee led his siege on Mewni, we were his loyal soldiers, willing to die for him. Unfortunately for us, Queen Moon ended the conflict before it began. Toffee retreated for years, disbanding his army and putting us out of a job! Years later, he made his glorious return, only to be destroyed by the next in line for queen: Star Butterfly." He said as another monster pulled a rope, revealing Star tied up just like I was. She was unconscious. I struggled to break free.

"Let go of Star right now, or so help me..." I started. Glorbuch slapped me again.

"What are you gonna do, kid? You're outnumbered ten to one! Even if you were free, you wouldn't stand a chance!" He yelled. As much as I hate to admit it, he's right. I don't have my sword. I'm powerless. Glorbuch walked next to Star. "Besides, we're not gonna hurt her. That's where this comes in." He said, stomping on a piece of ground. It crumbled, revealing a pool of corrupted magic from when Toffee was in Ludo's wand. My eyes widened upon seeing it.

"Woah, okay man. You do NOT want to mess with that stuff! It's too dangerous! Who knows what that stuff could do?" I said. Glorbuch chuckled.

"Oh, but it is. This pool has exactly what I desire." He replied.

"Yeah, but corrupted magic is highly unstable! If you use that stuff, you're only killing yourself and your men!" I yelled. He slapped me again.

"Silence! I won't let you change my mind! Master Toffee will be revived by my hands, and you two will be the first to fall!" He cackled. I looked at Star. She was still unconscious. I refuse to let these guys hurt Star. I kept swinging back and forth on my branch, causing it more and more stress until the rope snapped and I fell to the ground. The rope tied around me fell off as I got ready to figh the best I could. Two of them dove at me, so I rolled out of the way, stopping in front of my pack. I reached inside and pulled out my emergency weapons: a pair of tonfa embedded with jewels. One by one, I knocked out my opponents,leaving Glorbuch for last. I strapped my pack over my chest for protection. He swiped at me with his claws, nearly cutting my pack. "We were so close! We just needed a vessel for him, and you ruined it!" He roared. I backstepped out of the way of his attacks.

"Well, if you didn't knock us out, you wouldn't be having this problem, would you?" I asked. He then swiped at me, tearing my pack wide open. Out fell my first aid kit, some snacks, a journal for logs I wrote and most importantly, a picture Star drew for me. It was a little cartoon devil with white gloves and bowtie. He was supposed to turn out cuter, but Star isn't very good at drawing. His eyes were scribbled out, one arm was longer than the other, one leg had no foot, but I still loved it. It fluttered into the pool of corrupted magic and sank. Glorbuch crossed his arms.

"I suppose this can be revenge for destroying my plan." He said. Suddenly, the ground began to shake. A black arm shot out of the pool, dripping excess magic. It grabbed the side of the pool, gripping tight and digging trenches in the dirt with it's fingers. The brown of the dirt stained the white glove on the arm. I ran over to where Star was and got her out of the tree, catching her as she fell. Two uneven horns rose from the pool as a demented smile emerged. Slowly, the figure pulled itself out of the murky pit, revealing itself. It was lanky with a very large head and hand. One hand had four fingers while the other had the usual five. One leg was mangled and twisted, missing a foot. It's face was covered with corrupted magic, obscuring its eyes. The creature looked around, growling lowly. I held Star tight, her unconcious head flopping  over my shoulder. One by one, the creature absorbed the members of Toffee's cult by turning them into corrupted magic and adding them to itself. Glorbuch was last.

"Master Toffee, please stop!" He pleaded. It fell on deaf ears, however as the creature grabbed him and melted him into more corrupted magic. It then turned around and slowly made it's way to us.

"Stay back! I'm warning you!, Don't hurt us!" I wailed as the creature was mere inches from my face. I could here it breathing. Star stirred in my arms. I held her tighter, knowing this is how we die. Suddenly, the creature spoke.

"YoU LoOk So ScArEd. ArE yOu AfRaId ThAt I'm GoInG tO kIlL yOu, Or ArE yOu AfRaId ThAt YoUr OwN cReAtIoN hAs CoMe To LiFe?" It asked. I looked at it. It's smile never faded. "WeLl, FeAr NoT. i'M nOt GoInG tO hUrT yOu. WhAt KiNd Of MoNsTeR wOuLd I bE tO hUrT mY pArEnTs?" Star and I looked at it in confusion.

"Wait, what?" Star questioned. I undid the ropes binding her.

"How are we your parents?" I asked. It pointed to Star.

"YoU, mOtHeR, cReAtEd Me FrOm NoThInG..." it then pointed to me. "... aNd YoU, fAtHeR. yOu KePt Me SaFe. YoU tWo ArE tHe OnLy PeOpLe WhO cArE aBoUt Me." Okay, this is really weirding me out.

"Well, how are you here? What happened?" I asked. This... thing, this demon in front of us... it couldn't be real! It CAN'T be real!  Is this Toffee? Or is it something else entirely? It twitched slightly before pointing back to the corrupted magic.

"ThIs Is ThE rEsUlT oF bLoOd BeInG sHeD, rItUaLs BeInG pErFoRmEd, InNoCeNtS bEiNg SaCrIfIcEd, AnArChY wOrShIpPeD, bRiNgInG mE tO lIfE aNd SuMmOnInG mE fRoM tHe PaGe." Star began hyperventilating from fear. I could feel my hands shaking.

"This is just a dream! A very very bad dream!" I screamed, terrified. The cfeature looked me in the eyes, even though it had none.

 The cfeature looked me in the eyes, even though it had none

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"ThIs Is No DrEaM, fAtHeR. i'M jUsT aS rEaL aS yOu Or MoThEr. SoMeOnE tRiEd To CoNtRoL mE. hE wAnTeD tO cOmE bAcK. hE fAiLeD. tHaT's HoW i'M hErE wItH yOu NoW." It replied. I was pinned against a tree with Star on top of me and the creature hovering above us. We were trapped. Suddenly, we heard voices in the distance. It sounded like Marco and King River. The creature turned its head and stood up. "SoUnDs LiKe ThE cAvAlRy HaS aRrIvEd. UnTiL nExT tImE. tA-tA." It groaned, vanishing into a puddle of corrupted magic. Star and I sat scared and confused as Marco, River and the search party parted the bushes. Instead of standing and joining them, we hugged each others and cried, scared at what we had created yet happy both of us were still alive.

On Butterfly wings (Star Butterfly fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now