We arrived back at the castle, Star and I still holding each other tight. Once we were safe inside of the castle, Moon dismissed the knights and servants.
"Thank heavens you two are safe! What happened?" She asked. Star was still crying, so I tried speaking for both of us.
"Well, we took a walk with Marco since we found out he's living here. Then while he was distracting the kingdom, we walked into the forest and boom! We were out. Some cult worshipping Toffee tried to bring him back." Moon gasped.
"Bring back Toffee? How?" She asked. I looked at my pack, torn and ripped. I barely managed to hold everything inside on the way back.
"Corrupted magic. They had a pool of the stuff. I'm not sure what they did exactly, but they were searching for a vessel to ressuect him with Star and me as his first victims. The leader tore open my pack, causing a drawing Star made for me to fall into the pool. Then... IT came out of the pool. It destroyed the cult and talked to us. It thinks Star and I are it's parents." I replied. Star tugged on my sleeve, wanting my attention. I looked to where she was pointing, seeing a black puddle in front of us. "And it's here right now!" I screamed. Everyone looked at the puddle as two uneven horns rose from it.
"FlOoD tHe ShOp WiTh InK a-FlOwInG. pUsH iT tO tHe BrInK oF bLoWiNg. We HoPe YoU dOn'T tHiNk Of GoInG. wEiGh YoU dOwN tO kEeP fRoM fLoAtInG. cOmE wItH mE, wE'lL bRiNg YoU jOeY. yOu'Ll Be KePt FrOm BeInG lOnElY. kIcKiNg, ScReAmInG, sInKiNg SlOwLy. GiVe YoUr SoUl, It'S wHaT yOu OwE mE!" It sang, slowly rising from the puddle. When it finished, it stared at us with the smile on it's face returning. It wiped some of the corrupted magic from its face, revealing one of its eyes. It was like a Pie Cut eye, similar to a 30's cartoon.
The puddle receded into its feet as it shambled over to us, black footprints left behind. It stood about ten feet in front of us, its body bent and twisted. Suddenly, it bowed for Moon and River. "GoOd AfTeRnOoN, yOuR mAgEsTiEs. If I hAd A hAt, I'd TiP iT tO yOu." It said, slowly straightening up. Moon and River looked at each other, confused. I looked at the creature.
"How did you find us?" I asked. The black ooze slowly trickled down its face, forcing it to move out of its eye every now and then. It slowly shambled closer.
"NaTuRaL iNsTiNcT. a ChIlD aLwAyS kNoWs WhErE tHeIr PaReNtS aRe." It replied. This thing is seriously creeping me out. River stepped forward.
"What do you want with us? If you want the children, we won't let you take them!" He yelled. The creature looked at him.
"NoT aT aLl, YoUr HiGhNeSs. AlL i WiSh Is To Be WiTh My FaMiLy. AlLoW mE tO eXpLaIn. YeArS aGo On EaRtH, mY gReAt-GrAnDfAtHeR cReAtEd Me To BrInG jOy To PeOpLe Of AlL aGeS." It body started to twist and shrink. The corrupted magic on its face retracted, revealing the other eye. When it stopped, it looked like a small cartoon devil with white gloves, a bowtie and a huge happy grin on its face. "... When he drew me for the first time, I looked like this." The strange sound in its voice vanished, leaving it sounding very ordinary. "Using Mewman magic, he brought me to life using the very ink he used in drawing me. He promised I would make it big. HE LIED. Within a month, the studio went under, and I was forced to flee to Mewni. He didn't even give me a name. THE CREATOR LIED TO ME. Over the years, I waited for someone to find me and take me in, but as time went on, my condition worsened. The magic that gave me life began to fade and I slowly started to fall apart. Barely being able to hold myself together, I put myself in a state of suspended animation to try and hold on. It was your drawing that gave me new life." Black liquid began to flow from its eyes. It... he was crying. "I just want to be loved. Is that so wrong?" Star and I looked at each other, feeling bad for him. He was abandoned, all alone for who knows how long. We started walking forward. Moon tried to stop us, but River stopped her. We walked up to him and hugged him. This... poor soul was neglected, betrayed and cast aside to rot. I feel bad for him, yet I also sympathize with him. I know how it feels to lose a parental figure.
"You are loved. At least you are now. I didn't know my grandfather, but now I don't want to." I replied, hugging him tighter. Star straightened up his horns, making them even.
"Welcome to the family..." Star started but stopped. We don't actually know his name, if he even has one. I thought of a good name.
"Ben. Ben D Butterfly." I said. Star looked at me funny.
"Why Ben?" She asked.
"It was the name of my first dog. He had the exact same patterns of black and white. D for Diaz." I replied. Ben smiled.
"Ben D... Ben D... Bendy... how about Bendy?" He asked. Star and I looked at each other, then back to him.
"I like it." We said in sync. Bendy smiled and hugged us.
"Thank you... you don't know how much this means to me. My friend will be so happy." He said. Friend? Who is this? Star asked about his "friend." The answer he gave chilled me to the bone. "She's so nice! She uses magic to keep me stable! Every time she did it, the spades on her cheeks would glow so bright!" Spades on the cheeks? That could only mean one thing: Eclipsa is free. I looked at Moon. She had the most concerned look on her face. Eclipsa is anything but good. I have to find her. After spending the rest of the day with Star, Marco and Bendy, we all went to bed. I tried to sleep, but the thought of Eclipsa being free prevented that. Suddenly, a noise erupted from the rose garden. I grabbed my sword and quietly made my way downstairs to confront whoever this was.
On Butterfly wings (Star Butterfly fanfiction)
FanfictionYou may be just human, but thanks to your friends on the magic high commission and your girlfriend, Princess Star Butterfly of Mewni, magic is one area of expertise that you are fluent in. With your magic tools and powers, and Star by your side, evi...