Split apart

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Also know this is the third book in my series I am writing

1st: the daughter of many gods

2nd: the siblings battle

Please read those first! Thanks!


I was home. There were no monsters on the plane, so I didn't have to worry about any of that. I had been home for two weeks and I was just getting used to being home again. I had accidentally called my mom Percy while she tried to shake me awake one morning. I missed them a lot.

Anyway my parents thought it might be a good idea to enroll me in school. I know what Percy said, that I shouldn't go, but I couldn't just sit around all day at home like I have been. It was boring. So today I was starting high school. I had a couple of neighbors that were my age who promised to help me out at school. Their names were Danielle who is known as Dani and Mia.

I was eating breakfast in the kitchen waiting for Dani's mom to pick me up. "Are you nervous" asked mom.

"No" I say

"Are you excited?"

"I guess" I say.

"Well you're talkative this morning."

"Mom, what if there's a monster?"

"You'll be fine sweetheart. You know how to fight monsters."

Then the doorbell goes off. I grab my backpack and head out the door. "Bye mom love you."

"Love you too. Have fun."

I get out of the house and climb into the car. "Hey Dani, hey Mrs. O'Connor" I say.

"Morning Ellie" says Dani's mom. We ride for fifteen minutes in silence, until we pull into the school parking lot. "I'll see you girls after school" she says dropping us off at the front door. Dani turned to me before we started walking inside. "Where have you been these last months?"

"Uh... Well, just... Well... I uh was in New York."


"I uh..."

"Hey guys" interrupts Mia.

We say our hellos and walk into the building. There were kids running around making out and shoving people into lockers. "Uh... Is this what it's like every day?" I ask

"Yeah pretty much." says Mia.

"Okay, I have to pick up my schedule from the office." I say. The two girls lead me to the office, where I pick up my schedule. "What's your locker number" asks Dani, trying to take a look at my schedule.

"Uh... 217" Both of the girls gasp. "What?" I ask.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" asks Mia.

"Well I did, but he... And then there was.... But we werent together we just.... Kissed... And... you know what never mind. No I don't have one." both of them eye me curiously.

"A lot of boy drama in New York?" asks Dani.

"Yeah you could say that. My life is pretty complicated down there."

"You never told me why you went up there."

"Uh... Why is locker 217 a big deal?" I ask trying to change the subject. Dani notices and glares at me.

"217 is next to the hottest guy in school's locker. He's a freshman, but even the senior girls would agree he's the hottest. Never once has he had a girlfriend. He says none of them are the right girl." says Mia. "Maybe you'll be the one." squeals Mia

"As if." says Dani. "No one is going to be. He's going to be alone forever. But he is the total package. He's smart, cute, and caring, and he's one the basketball team. Not captain yet, because he's a freshman, but you get the idea."

"Okay well can we get to my locker, before the day is over?" I ask "Because I don't want to be late."

"Right sorry" says Mia leading me down a couple of hallways. She stops at a set of lockers, with a couple of guys standing around them. I scan the numbers on the lockers and find 217. I go to it. Open it and start filling it with books I got from the office. I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn around. A boy who looks about 6 feet tall with sandy blonde hair almost brown and striking blue eyes, was looking at me. He was very ripped and very cute. "You're new here aren't you?" he asks. Mia and Dani were in the background whispering to each other.

"Is it that obvious?" I ask.

He laughs "No. I'm at locker 218 and I think I would remember having a locker neighbor as pretty as you." I feel my face getting hot.

"Oh my gosh!" yells Mia.

"Well thanks" I say still blushing. I accidentally drop my schedule and before I can even think to pick it up, he bends down and looks at it.

"Look at that we have all of the same classes together, except... Greek?" he questions me.

"Uh yeah." I say

"Were your parents Greek or something?"

"You could say that. I'm fluent in Greek. My family life is.... Complicated."

"How so?"

"Well, I'd rather not explain that considering I just met you two minutes ago."

"Alright then what do you say we get to know each other a little better some time."

It's bell goes off. "I'm free Friday." I say.

"One more thing. Can you tell me your name?"

"I'm Ellie..." then I paused, wondering if I should tell him my last name.

"Is it a hard one?"

"Uh... No its Jackson."


"Yeah, what about you?" I say grabbing my Math book and shutting my locker. We start walking together to class. "Ryan Nelson"

"Is there a reason you were interested in my last name."

"Uh... Well I read these books, and I know they're not real, but the main character's name was Percy Jackson, and I thought that was a little weird considering you were fluent in Greek. You probably think i'm a total geek now."

"Not at all. I read those books too." I say trying to hide my face. I have been told i'm really easy to read. He couldn't know Percy was real, even though he was my brother.

"Watch, next thing I know, you're going to be telling me you're from New York."


"You've got to be kidding me."

"No not exactly." he studies my face. "You aren't telling me something."

"There is nothing..." we walk into the classroom. And he scribbles something down on a piece of paper and hands it to me.

"Read this" he says.

"I uh..."

"Mr. Nelson. You are late." says the teacher jerking my attention to the front of the room.

"Sorry Mr. Ninmann. I was showing her...."

"I don't want to hear any of your excuses." says the teacher. "Who is this" he asks looking at me, even though he was talking to Ryan.

"Ellie Jackson" he says before I can talk.

"Miss Jackson, you may take a seat next to Mr. Nelson" I sit down next to him at one of the desks. I was nervous. This guy was smart. Dani and Mia were right. What would I do if he found out? He was going to have me read that note so that he could find out if I had dyslexia. I wouldn't be able to read it, and things would go totally down hill from there. And now there's the fact that i'm nervous, which make my ADHD act up. I could barely pay attention to anything Mr. Ninmann was saying. Class seemed to never end. Then things got really bad.


That right there is a cliffhanger. I am soooooooo overly tires right now, it isn't even funny. Anyway hoped u enjoyed it and don't forget to vote!


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