Chapter 9

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Annabeth looked beautiful, with the glow of th fire off of her hair. She looked so carefree and happy singing along wih the Apollo kids music. She glanced over at me. "Stop staring at me seaweed brain" she said blushing. I grabbed her around her waist and pulled her in for a kiss. For some reason we were surrounded by Aphrodite girls to begin with and they all started saying "Aww" i even saw a camera flash, but it didn't look like it came from one of the girls though. "Maybe we should do this more in private." says Annabeth. "No!" yells four on them together.

"I don't think they'll let us" I say pulling her into another kiss. "I love you Wise Girl" I say before pulling her into yet another kiss.

"Get a room!" yells someone. It sounded like one of the one of the Stolls. Annabeth glanced around the crowd, and her eyes narrow as she spots somone. "Travis, you put that camera away right now!" she yells and parts her way though the crowd. "Travis, you get back here!" she yells as he starts running away.

"Perce control your girlfriend" says Leo. I started to chase after her, but before I could she tackles Travis. Connor runs up behind and grabs the camera. He goes off in the direction of his cabin, but Annabeth knows better than to chase him. They probably had their cabin rigged with some kind of prank that would turn her purple for a week. I walk over to them and help Annabeth up. "What about me seaweed brain?" says Travis holding out his hand. "Not a chance" He then got up and ran over to his cabin.

"Percy, we have to get that camera." says Annabeth


"Because, we have no idea how many pictures they have on that things. Before Conner grabbed it, I saw it was labeled Percabeth moments"


"It's our two names combined, anyway I've heard Piper call us that all the times. I believe she calls it shipping."

"Oh" I glanced up and saw Piper running over to the Hermes cabin. "What is she doing?" I ask. Annabeth turns and sees her. Her eyes become a very stormy shade of grey. She starts to walk over there, but I grab her hand.

"Let's not get ahead of outselves" I say

"I have to know what they're doing"

"Cmon Wise Girl what if they're planning something. Like a surprise or something and they don't want us to know about it."

"You're just sayig that so you don't have to go after them aren't you"

"Maybe just a little. How about if we go to my cabin, alone."


"And we can have a little fun..."

"I know but..."

"Hello children" says someone behind us I turn and see Chiron standing in front of us.

"Chiron." I say a little surprised "I thought you were in Wisconsin with Ellie"

"Oh I was, but I got fired for riding a horse in the school."

"You were riding a horse in the school? Chiron you're part horse. How did you ride a horse?"


"Ugh seaweed brain. It was the mist. He was in centaur form and the people saw it as he was riding the horse. But why were you in centaur form at the school?" i say

"Well, someone called over the loudspeaker, it sounded like Ellie, to go to the principals office. Anyway I did, and I heard her whispering help from inside and the door was locked, so the only way I could open it was by kicking it down. I found her knocked out on the floor with monster dust."

"You found her what?" asks Percy who seems to be freaking out

"She's fine now Percy" says Chiron trying to calm him down

"You found her what?!" he asks again

"Percy, she's okay." i say


"He found her knocked out. But she's okay."

"I'll be back." says Percy


He stars to walk away before I can finish. I run behind him and follow him to his cabin. He pushes the door open so hard, I'm surprised it didn't fly off it's hinges. He goes to his water fountain in the corner of his cabin, pulling out a drachma from his pocket. He throws the drachma into the mist. Ellie appears in the mist on her bed, asleep. "ELLIE!" he yells. She shoots up in bed and looks around.

"Oh Percy, it's just you"

"Yeah just me" he sounded pretty angry.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Why didn't you tell me you got attacked at school?"

"I guess it never really crossed my mind. What's the big deal? I'm okay."

"You could've been killed, if Chiron wasn't there. Which he isn't anymore!"

"Okay, for the record, I killed the monster myself, and eventually someone would've had to come into the principals office, meaning, I would be fine."

"Well you'd probably acutally be in a hospital, and it's not good for demigods to go to a regular doctor."

"How come adults always say that this could've happened or that could've happened. It didn't happen, and I'm fine! Can you just let it go?"

"No i cannot let it go."

"I hate it when your so overprotective, your just like dad!"

"What happened with dad?"

"Nothing that you need to know about. because knowing you, you'll freak out too."

"Why would I freak out? Ellie what are you not telling me?"

"Nothing, I have to go."

"Wait Ellie..." I tried to say something but she ended it before I could. I turn to Annabeth "If this is what kids are going to be I don't want any."

"Oh c'mon Percy, she's your sister. She going to do that to you. Do you like listening to her when she tells you what to do?"

"Well, no, but..."


"I hate it when you're right"

"I'm always right."

"I know"

"So what do you say we go get that camera?"



I think I enjoy this font way too much. Anyway hope your summer's been awesome and thanks for reading. Don't forget to like!


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