Chapter 2

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I know it was my first day of high school, and it already sucked. I think the gods hate me. And after all I'd done for them...

Anyway I bet you're wondering what happened. Well we were in class and I was thinking what to do about Ryan, when all of a sudden, and Iris Message appeared in front of me. "Hey." said a chipper Annabeth "I'm here to teach you." she said.

I totally lost it. "Annabeth you have to leave right now." I say in a normal voice, which gets a lot of attention from around me.

"Where are you?" she asks

"Miss Jackson, who are you talking to?" asks Mr. Ninmann.

"No one!" I say "I'm sorry." I whisper into the mist "This is a really bad time. I have to go."

"Wait are you at school? Ellie Percy is going to..." I swiped my hand through the message, cutting her off. I smile at everyone looking at me. They were all confused. "Well I came to this school to learn, and I don't see a lot of teaching going on." I say trying to get things back to normal. Thank fully everyone turns to Mr. Ninmann, who starts teaching again.

I had my phone in my back pocket on vibrate, and let me tell you it was going completely wild. By the end of class, I had gotten a total of 52 messages, all but one sent from Percy. Most of them were telling me I was in big trouble and stuff like that. But what could he do he was in New York and I was here. The message that scared me most was from Chiron and all it said was, "IM us immediately."

I was in serious trouble, and I had a feeling the punishment, would require me to get on a plane and go right back to New York. Then Percy would have the upper hand and I would be stuck in the cabin for a month.

On the way to my locker, Dani and Mia caught up to me and I started getting a phone call. I pulled out my phone and saw the caller ID. Percy. I answer the phone because if I didn't that would make things worse than they already were.

*Phone Call*

Ellie: Hey Percy

Percy: Don't 'hey Percy' me

Ellie: Percy look I...

Percy: I don't want to hear it. The one thing I said was you couldn't go to high school and thats where you are right now. Chiron is not in a good mood either.

Ellie: Percy please. I know you told me not to but everything is fine. Nothing is going wrong. (I had to lie, although it wasn't really lying it was more of like not telling the whole truth. Because after all nothing was going wrong yet.)

Percy: I don't care, something will go wrong and I don't want you getting hurt.

Ellie: I won't get hurt! Can you just back off for a day.

Percy: No Ellie this is too dangerous. I want you going home immediately or...

Ellie: Or what?

Percy: I will personally come down there, drag you back to camp, and lock you in the cabin for a month.

Ellie: Percy...

Percy: Ellie don't push me

Ellie: Percy plea...

Percy: End of discussion

Then he hung up the phone. I lean my head up against the lockers and let out a sigh.

"I thought you said you didn't have a boyfriend" says Dani.

"Oh no I don't..."

"He sounded hot" says Mia

"Please don't say that again."

"Why not soo what's his name"

"Guys please. That was my brother."

"When did you get a brother?" asks Dani

"Does he have a girlfriend?" asks Mia

"He's engaged" I say "Look guys I really have to go."

"You can't just leave school."

"I know that. I'm going to pretend to be sick."

"I don't think your mom will be too happy about that."

"I know, but, it's my brother i'm worried about."

"Your brother?"

"Seriously I'll explain this tomorrow, but I have to go home." They both look at me like i'm crazy. "My brother is an over protective maniac who is obsessed with protecting me." they still look at me the same way. "Do you guys have any black or purple eye shadow with you?"

"Yeah?" questions Mia. She fishes into her bag and pulls out some black eye shadow.

"Perfect" I head to a bathroom near the lockers and start putting it under my eyes. Then I splash some water on my face so it looks like i'm sweating. Then I start coughing. I walk out of the bathroom and hand her the eye shadow back. I walk to the office, but right outside the door stop. "I can't do this. I hate lying to my parents." I walk back to the bathroom and wash off the make up. If Percy finds out I didn't leave he'll kill me. If I do leave my parents will kill me. Who am I more afraid of Percy or my parents...? Percy.

I start to call my mom when the school bell goes off. Crap. I open my locker quick and pull out my Greek text book. The only thing I can read. Then there was the problem I had no idea where this room was. I checked my schedule, which said room 382. Then I checked a map on the wall. All the way on the other end of school. I start to walk over there, knowing I would be late. I finally get there and walk into the closed door.

"Ah there she is" says the teacher. She was an older woman and was heavier set. She wore glasses and had warm welcoming brown eyes.

"Sorry, its my first day and I got lost."

"That's fine dear. I'm Mrs. Applebaum" she says. I sit down at an empty desk at the back of the room. "So have you studied Greek before?" she asks.

"Uh actually, i'm fluent in Greek."

"Oh wonderful would you like to show the class?"

"Uh... Sure I guess." I start talking in Greek.

*In Greek*

"Well I think this would be easier to do with a conversation." I look at her when I say that and she just sits there smiling at me nodding her head. "Uh do you even know what i'm saying?" she didn't say anything "Do any of you know what i'm saying?" everyone was silent. "Well then I think I'll be done now" I say


"That was wonderful" says Mrs. Applebaum. She then starts talking about the history of Greek and much of it was incorrect. And the day continued to drag on.


That was a horrible ending I know. Ugh. But, I did get two chapters done in one day. Yay. Thanks for reading. Don't forget to vote!


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