Chapter 5

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Despite what Percy, and Chiron said, and the nagging of my mom, I was going back to school, but now my mom had insisted that she take me, and walk in with me. If that wasn't embarrassing I don't know what is.

"Mom I'll be fine" I said as I walked through the front doors.

"Are you sure. Maybe I can talk to your teachers...."

"No. Leave" I say walking farther into the building. "Bye" she stands there for a minute and then heads out. I go to my locker, and just my luck Ryan is standing there waiting for me. "Hey" he says as I walk past. I don't reply and open my locker. "We still on for Friday?"

"Ryan, I don't think so. Things are a little crazy right now at home and I don't think my mom... Or my brother for that matter will allow me to go."

"Your brother?"

"Yeah. I don't want to talk about it."

"Does your brother go here?"

"No. He's out of high school."

"Does he have a name?"

"Look, I said I don't want to talk about it." I start to head to home room and he follows close behind.


It was gym class, and evidently Ryan didn't have gym with me, because it was split up boys and girls. I walked into the gym an my mouth dropped to the floor. Sitting in front of me in his wheelchair, was Chiron. "Hello class. I am Mr. Brunner. Your other teacher left unexpectedly so I will be filling in for the rest of the year." he hadn't taken his eyes off me from the second I walked in. "Now I'd like you to take ten warm up laps." everyone groaned but obeyed. "Miss Jackson may I speak with you?"

"Something tells me that wasn't meant to be a question, but you did put it in question form so, no you may not speak with me." I start to run.

"Miss Jackson get over here immediately." reluctantly I walk over to him.

"Why are you here?" I ask

"Well since you refuse to come back to camp i'm going to come here. I originally asked Percy, but Annabeth refused to let him."

"Couldn't you have sent a Satyr?"

He avoids my question "So this will be your training so I expect you to work as hard here as you do at camp. Now go run"

"But everyone's almost done..." he glares at me, and knowing I wouldn't change his mind, I started. Everyone was waiting for me by the time I was done. At that moment gym class had become my least favorite class.


It was the end of the day, and my mom was waiting in the parking. Thank the gods she didn't come inside to get me. I told her all about Chiron being our gym teacher. Thankfully though with him being there she agreed not to take me to school anymore and I could carpool again. After we got home, I Iris Messaged Percy. As soon as his face appears in the mist, I start talking. "Why did you let Chiron come here?! I thought you guys trusted me! I'm almost fifteen!"

"Whoa, calm down."

"How could you let him come?!"

"Ellie calm down."

"And now it's like i'm back at camp..."

"ELLIE!" he yelled, grabbing my attention. "When did Chiron get there?"

"What? Today!"

"I didn't even know he left. I would've come instead of him..."

"He said Annabeth refused to let you go." then Annabeth showed up on the screen. "He never even asked me. I didn't know about it either."

"Well tomorrow is going to be an interesting day. I got to go do my homework."

"Homework? I thought I told you-" but he was cut off by me swiping my hand through the message.


*Mrs. Johnson aka Ellie's mom*

It was around eleven o'clock and I was climbing into bed. I had sent Ellie to bed at nine. She wasn't happy about it, but obeyed anyway. I heard a little cry coming from her room, so I went in to check on her. I found her sound asleep. I walked back to my room and starts to climb into bed again, but I heard a louder cry. Then something that sounded like a faint scream. I walked back into her room to find her sobbing and tossing around in her bed. She was whimpering "Percy stop please." then she let out a bone shattering scream. Then I saw her eyes open and she sat up. She looked around and started to cry.


My mom rushed over to me. "Honey what's wrong what happened?"

"He tried to kill me" I said between sobs.

"Who did?" She asked. She was hugging me and rocking me back and forth.

"P...Percy" I say crying into her shoulder.

"Honey it was just a dr..."

"I hate him!" she yelled.

"You don't mean that."

"I do too!" I push out of her grasp and drop my head onto my pillow.

"Maybe we could call him."

"No!" I yell "I never want to see him again!"

"It was just a dream."

"Ever since I left camp, they've been fine. I haven't been having them like that since I got here."

"You've had these before?" I nod "How did you calm down before?"

"Percy" I say starting to cry again. The thought of him trying to kill me was utterly heartbreaking.

"I'm going to call him."

"It's midnight over there. He's either sleeping or hanging out with Annabeth." I cry into my pillow some more.

"I don't care." she reached for my phone, and called Percy. She put it on speaker phone so I could hear it.

"Hello?" came a very groggy Percy from the other end. Hearing him made me start crying all the more. "Ellie is that you? Is everything okay?"

"No!" I shouted into the phone.

"Ellie calm down" said my mom "It was just a dream."

"A dream?" asked Percy "Did Ellie have one of her nightmare again?"

"Yes" replied mom.

"Do you want me to come down th...?"

"NO!" I shouted into the phone again. I started crying once more. The worst part about this whole thing, was that I was terrified to be with my own brother. The same person I'd lived with the past nine months was now the person I feared most. It was totally and utterly ridiculous.

"Are you sure everything is okay?" he asks. I let out another sob.

"Alright, i'm going to go talk to him. You stay here." says mom getting up and leaving the room.

I didn't sleep the rest of that night.


Okay I am really irritated because I had this almost all done and it deleted everything but the first paragraph. Ugh. Anyway it's done now. How was everyone's fourth of July? Mine was good, not that you care. But... Hope you liked it and don't forget to like!


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