Chapter 13

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Yes I was still locked in my room, yes I hated Percy and he would totally regret it later, but I was too busy getting ready. I had stopped yelling and was now walking around my room, making sure Percy heard the creaking. He would figure out evemtually that I had a plan, but I would be long gone by then. I was wearing my hair in a curled pony tail, with dark blue skinny jeans, a white top, and a tan jacket. I made sure my pen was in my back pocket. Then I opened the window and climbed out. There was a tree right outside my window so I was going to climb down that. If he caught me, fine. I had nothing to lose. I climbed down the tree, scraping up my hands. I was down then I realized another problem. I had no way to get there and no phoen with me. At times like this I wish I could drive. My mom was still at the store and would flip out if I wasn't in my room, since Percy locked me in there. I didn't know what time it was and I didn't know how to get to this place. I glanced in the window of the house, and saw my phone on the couch. Percy wasn't in there. I went to the front door and opened it as quietly as I could and tip toed to the living room grabbing my phone and rushing bak out. I called Ryan.

"Hello" he asked

"Hey Ryan"

"You're not cancelling are you?" he asks.

"No" i whisper "Somethings come up. Do you think you could pick me up?" Then the phone was taken out of my han from behind. I turned around to see Percy standing there. He puts the phone up to his ear and says. "Yeah Ryan, this is Ellie's brother... Yeah Perry." he says glaring at me "Sorry, she isn't feeling well tonight, so she can't come. Sorry." Then he hung up the phone. I was in shock. We started at each other for the longest time. I was about to explode with anger, but then I calmed myself down. His heart was in the right place. I went over and hugged him. He was surprised because he didn't hug me back right away

"Thank you for caring." I say "No matter how many times I try to push you away, promise me you'll still be there to keep me from doing stupid things."

He laughs "I promise." he says hugging me back. "So you're not going to try to get back at me or anything?"

"Oh no. Of course I will. Just don't ruin the happy moment. Let's go watch a movie."

"A movie?"

"Yeah I think it's really going to freak you out." I headed inside. Percy was slow to follow. I think the whole mood change freaked him out. I got a bag of microwave popcorn and put it in the microwave, and turned on the Tv. I found the movie on demand. Percy Jackson and the Olympians: the lightning thief.he walked in and said "Why is my name on that?"

"I don't know" I say "But remember the books I read about you? Well evidently they made a movie."

"They should've told me. I would've been great for that part." the microwave beeped and I went to get the popcorn. I put it in a bowl and sat down next to Percy who was already sitting down. I started the movie. We watched it from beginning to end and let me tell you it was not like the book at all. After the movie ended Percy just stared at the screen for a while and said "That was not how it happened" he started at the screen a little longer an said "I have to make a phone call." he pulled out his phone and called Annabeth.

"Hey wise girl... Yeah... Love you too... Can you make me a promise... Never dye your hair brown!... Yup that's it... Love you wise girl.... Okay bye." then my mom walked in the door carrying two bag of groceries.

"There's more where that came from." she said setting down the groceries on the kitchen table. That meant, you'd better go help me empty the car. I had learned from experience, if you ignored her, she wouldn't be in a very good mood the rest of the night. I got up to help, but Percy just stayed staring at the screen. "Perce, you okay?" I ask.

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