Chapter 5 : Listening

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"Dead." Axis said as she looked down. Tears threatening to fall but her plastered smile was still on. "Wh-what are you talking about sister?" Zervile said, fear lacing his voice and his eyes widening. "It can't be! They were still here before I left! That just can't be!" Ripper said as fake tears fell down his face. "It can't be." He said. "You're lying, right, sister? You always lie to scare me. You're lying!" Zervile said as he let out a nervous laugh. "I AM NOT LYING!" Axis said as she looked up, her tears now crawling down her face, left eye crying tears, right eye crying blood. Plastered smile shaking, wanting to turn to a frown, but it couldn't. "It can't be." Zervile said. "We have to tell the others." Axis said as she turned around. "No! M-maybe we shouldn't!" Zervile said. "Maybe we shouldn't. Maybe we should just let the others find out!" Zervile continued. "Okay then. Let's do that." Axis said. She took all the stuff they brought from the kitchen, and leaded their way back home.

Upon arriving at their destination Axis hesitated to open the door. After a few seconds, she opened it. Axis went straight to the kitchen and put everything that she brought back to their places. Zervile went straight to his room. Ripper only sat at the couch with Vinyl following him.

"I wonder where their parents are." Ripper muttered. "I don't really care, maybe they went away or somethin'." Vinyl replied. "Yeah, maybe that's it." Ripper said as he sighed. "Hey kid." Axis called out, which made Ripper turn his head to Axis' direction. "Want to go to Grillby's? They have some awesome food there." Axis suggested as she neared Ripper. "Sure." He replied as he stood up. "Let's go. I know a shortcut." Axis said. As she followed Ripper out of the door. Suddenly everything went black, then white, then they were at Grillby's. "Here we are." Axis said. "Told ya I had a shortcut." Axis said as she opened the door.

"Welcome." A fire guy said. "What's up Grillbz?" Axis said as she sat on a stool on the bar. "The usual." The fire guy answered. "Oh? A new friend?" He said. "Yeah." Axis replied. "Nice to meet you, I'm Grillby." He said. "Nice to meet you too. I'm Ripper Nightlit." Ripper said. "What can I get you?" Grillby asked. "I'll take my usual. How about you kid? Fries or maybe a Burger?" Axis said. "I'll take some fries please." Ripper answered. "Okay then, I'll be right back." Grillby said as he put down a glass and walked away.

"Umm. Hey. Axis. Can I ask you something?" Ripper said. "You already have." Axis said. "Look. I was wondering." Ripper said, Axis looked at his direction. "Where are your parents?" Ripper stated, Axis' eyes narrowed at this question. She looked back forward. "We don't have any parents. At least, we don't know." Axis answered. "Oh. S-sorry I asked." Ripper said. "Nah, it's alright." Axis said as hse formed a closed-eye smile. Grillby then came back with their orders. Two fries, and a... Chocolate Syrup bottle?

"Thanks Grillbz." Axis said as she took some fries and ate them. Ripper didn't know what to say. "Why is there a Chocolate Syrup bottle?" Vinyl said. Ripper shrugged. "Hey kid. Are you goin' to eat?" Axis said. "Y-yeah." Ripper said, taking some fries and eating them. At this, Axis took the Chocolate Syrup bottle. "What? Is she going to use chocolate as a dip?" Vinyl said curiously. Axis opened the bottle. "Is she!?" Vinyl said. Axis drank the contents. "WHAT!?" Vinyl screamed. Axis put down the bottle, only half of its contents remained. They continued to eat. After they ate, they bid Grillby goodbye and headed back home.

"Hey bro, we're back!" Axis said as she closed the door. "Oh finally! I've been waiting for like, forever!" Zervile exclaimed. "Welp, I'm goin' to lay down for a while. Night night." Axis said as she walked up the stairs and to her room. "I'm still curious about their parents!" Vinyl said as Axis closed the door. "So, Human! Where did my sister take you!" Zervile said as he sat down on the couch. "She took me to Grillby's." Ripper replied. "Did you see her drink the whole bottle of Chocolate Syrup?" Zervile asked. "Y-yeah. Why did she do that?" Ripper asked. "It started when Leviantha made us pancakes and she introduced Chocolate Syrup to Axis. Axis then got addicted to it and started drinking it. Hehe." Zervile answered letting out a nervous laugh. "Woah." Vinyl said. "I'm going to lay down for a bit too." Ripper said, standing up and walking to his room. He opened the door and saw Axis sitting on the edge of her bed. She had wings outstretched, left wing a bat's, right wing made of bones. She looked down, even though she had a plastered smile on her face. Ripper fully opened the door. "Hey Axis." Ripper said as he walked inside the room. "Oh. Hey kid." Axis replied, retracting her wings. She still looked gloomy. "Hey, can you keep something for me. Just a remembrance." Axis said, digging in to her closet. She pulled out a red scarf. "Here." She said, handing it to Ripper. "Thanks." Ripper said, taking it. Axis then plopped down to her bed, slept as soon as she lied down. Ripper only sat at the end of his bed, staring at the red scarf. He folded it and put it at his dresser. He lied down on his bed and slept.

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