Chapter 8 : More Dust

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"RIPPER WAKE UP! IT'S TIME TO GATHER UP MORE EXP!" Vinyl shouted as Ripper rubbed his eyes. Ripper only nodded. "Axis is still asleep. And I doubt she'll wake up anytime soon. So let's head on out!" Vinyl said. "Okay." Ripper replied as he stood up and walked to the door, opening it. He took a last glance at Axis, making sure she was asleep. He then closed the door.

Ripper wwnt to the kitchen, searching for Zervile. "Looks like he isn't here." Vinyl said, looking at the refrigerator. There was a note, but Ripper didn't bother reading it. He just went on outside not bothering to eat anything. Vinyl followed him. "Your LV is on 18 now. 7 more and you'll max it out!" Vinyl exclaimed. "Where can we get more EXP in just one go." Ripper questioned himself as he stopped at the right place. "Right. There's a lot of people here." Ripper muttered. He maniacally smiled. "I'm gonna have lots of EXP today." He said as he laughed maniacally.

Ripper took a little adventure, going to both Hotlands and Waterfalls. After a while he went back to Snowdin. He stopped at Grillby's. He opened the door, scanning to see if Axis was there. He felt satisfied since she wasn't there. He locked the doors which didn't grab anyone's attention surprisingly. Everyone was only listening to the monsters onstage. He maniacally smiled as he walked towards a little monster. Hiding his face in the red scarf he was given as he did so even though he already had a mask.

He neared the little monster. Closer and closer. "Hey. What'cha doin' there buddy?" The little monster asked. Ripper took his knife and Vinyl materialized behind the little monster. Vinyl silenced the monster by putting his hand on the monster's mouth. Ripper stabbed him on the stomach. And the little monster turned to dust. Vinyl took his knives. Slicing and stabbing some other people letting Ripper finish them off. After all, if Ripper isn't the one who finishes them, it'd all be for naught. Only about eleven monsters left. They were now facing Ripped and Vinyl, weapons raised, magic ready. Vinyl erupted with a maniac-like laugh. As he and Ripper both ran toward the remaining monsters. Slash. Slice. Stab. Again and again until only the fire monster was left. Vinyl wore a maniac-like smile. Four options again appeared in front of Ripper. Again, he chose Fight.

Vinyl and Ripper circled around him. Both coming nearer and nearer. Vinyl jumped up while Ripper crouched down. Absolutely in sync, they striked Grillby. But Grillby dodged. Grillby took some knives and threw them at both Ripper and Vinyl. Vinyl dematerialized while Ripper either dodged or deflected them. Vinyl snuck behind Grillby and materialized. He was now holding Grillby and preventing him from moving. Grillby struggled. But no matter what he did, Vinyl's grip was too strong.

Ripper walked slowly to Grillby, Grillby who noticed took caution. Struggled more and more but it was useless. Ripper was now right in front of him. He held his knife, and stabbed him in the stomach. Grillby coughed up blood. After a few more seconds, his body started turning to dust.

"Vinyl, what's my LV now?" Ripper asked. "21!" Vinyl replied. "Okay then. Let's wash our knives and go home!" Ripper said as he put on an innocent smile. "Okay!" Vinyl said. They went to the kitchen part and washed up both their knives. After they washed off any remaining blood they walked back home with Vinyl dematerialized.

"Hey kid." Axis said, as she put her scarf on. Axis hastily put it on now. Ripper was now curious, but he didn't mind. He just waved at Axis. "Well, I'm off. See you later." Axis said as she walked out of the house. "Cool! We have the house to ourselves!" Vinyl said.

Axis walked to Grillby's, not taking a shortcut now. "He's growing. His LV is on 21. This is going to be hard." She muttered and sighed. She opened the door to Grillby's. "Hey Grillbz, I'm..." Her eyes widened at what she saw. Dust was everywhere, not a soul could be seen. "here." She ended. She looked everywhere, she searched high and low for a sign for anyone. Anyone. "Grillbz. Please. Where are you." She muttered a lot as she searched for her monster friends. But no one was there. "No. It can't be." Axis said as she stopped searching. Now on top of the stage she had sang many songs on. She stood in front, remembering the applause her monster friends gave her every time she finished a song. She started to tear up. Her balance was lost. Her tears fell down. She heard the sound of the applause from her friends ringing in her ears.

"I have to stop him. I have to." She muttered as she stood up, tears crawling down her cheeks. "Don't worry Grillbz. I'll make him Rephrase no matter what." Axis said as she held her scarf. "I promise."

After that she walked back home. Acting like everything was the same. "Hey kid. Hey bro." She greeted. "Sister! You're finally back!" Zervile said as Axis went inside. "How was work?" He asked. Axis' mind ached as she remembered the scene from before. "Umm." She hesitated, her eyes widened and plastered smile trembling. "Sister, is something wrong?" Zervile asked. "No! It's nothing!" Axis replied as tears threatened to crawl down her eyes. Still... her plastered smile didn't falter. "Sister, I know when something's wrong with you! Spit it out!" Zervile said. Axis gave up, looking down to her feet as she started her sentence. "They were... They were all..." "They were all what?" Zervile asked. Axis' tears fell down. "They were all dust. All of them... even Grillbz. They all... died." She said. Zervile's eyes widened as tears also threatened to fall down his eyes. Ripper acted surprised, widening his eyes and covering his mouth, though it was already covered. "No. No." Zervile said. He walked towards his sister and pulled her to am embrace. He rubbed her back as she cried onto his chest. Ripper only cried fake, burying his face into his hands.

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