Chapter 10 : The Judgment Hall

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"I promise." Axis said as she took his jacket and pressed the 'Yes' option. His body vanished as Axis stood up. "I promise bro. Just like when I promised to her." She said and started walking. Towards her home. As she walked she tied his brother's jacket around her waist. She opened the door to the house, went in front of the door of their room, and slipped a note in. She walked away and to the &^6&€#€#7 #@77.

Ripper woke up, rubbing his eyes. "Hey Vinyl, did Axis come back?" Ripper asked. "No." Vinyl answered as he shook his head. Ripper stood up, went to open the door but was stopped when he saw a piece of paper.

"Walk only forward do not stray from your path. In the judgment hall I will wait. For your presence and an aftermath."

"Hey Vinyl, do you know what the judgment hall is?" Ripper said still looking at the paper. "Yeah, I do. You can get there as long as you stay on the right path." Vinyl answered. "Can we go there?" Ripper asked. "Why?" Vinyl said, and Ripper showed him the paper. "Maybe we should go there. This seems to be someone who wants a fight." Vinyl said.

They ate breakfast, sharpened their knives and went to the Judgment Hall this person talked about. As the note and Vinyl said, Ripper walked on the straight path, and came across a big black gate with red and violet. He opened the gates without thinking about anything and saw a long black corridor, walls decorated with stained glasses of red, black, and violet. He walked through it all, not caring about anything else. He saw a figure, sitting in front of another big gate just like the entrance. She sat there, as if she had been waiting the whole time.

Both of her eyes were closed, her wings were outstretched, her plastered smile a simple yet sorrowful, vengeful, and angered one. She looked at Ripper as she opened her eyes. "Finally." She said. "Too long a trip? It was just a straight route. Until you went astray. You could've been a pacifist, but you trusted them and went to genocide." She continued. "Did you know, that I knew your stats from the beginning?" She said which made Ripper's eyes widen. "No need to hide Vinyl. I've known him for a veeeeeerrrry long time." This made Ripper step back. "Oh and by the way, did you know? That LV, or LOVE means Level Of ViolencE? And that EXP that Vinyl kept rambling about were EXecution Points?" Axis continued. Ripper stepped back more, now fearing everything. But what he feared mostly... was Axis. Ripper suddenly felt something strange, as if something took control of him. "IF YOU WANT TO BEAT HER. THEN YOU WILL HAVE TO STAY QUIET AND LET ME CONTROL YOU." Vinyl's voice echoed in Ripper's mind. Vinyl possessed Ripper.

Ri- no Vinyl then let out a maniac-like laugh. "Oh Anastasia. How I remember everything you did to her." Axis said, a serious expression on her face despite having a smile. Vinyl's face was half crying and half laughing. He held the knife in front of him, facing Axis. "Guess I have to do the monologue huh." Axis said as she closed her eyes, standing up.

"It was a beautiful day outside. Birds were singing, Flowers were blooming. On days like these. Kids like you." She paused for a moment and opened only her right eye. "Should be rotting in HELL." She finished, holding her hand forward. She summoned bones that surrounded Vinyl, and summoned another group which impaled him in all directions.

He rephrased again, in front of he entrance now. "NO! DON'T! VINYL DON'T DO IT!" Ripper screamed as he was able to control himself for a while. "NEVER!" Vinyl said. "I'm so close. I've already killed her brother, sister, and father. SHE'S THE ONLY ONE LEFT AND I WILL DESTROY HER!" Vinyl screamed. He opened the gates and dashed forward and striked Axis. Axis let out a sigh as she dodged. "You never learn do you?" She said as bones impaled Vinyl again. Rephrase. Dead. Rephrase. Dead. Rephrase. Dead. Rephrase. Dead... It was the same thing over and over again. He was always impaled by bones. Vinyl realized that. He was always impaled by bones. So if he doesn't stay on the ground. He'll have great success, and he'll finally achieve his wants.

He dashed again, jumping before striking Axis. Again she sighed, and held her hand forward. Ripper's SOUL appeared, but it wasn't it's normal green. It was Violet. Axis slammed her hand down, and Vinyl also slammed down hard to the ground. Axis summoned bones and again, impaled him.

It happened again and again. Ripper was crying as Vinyl controlled his body. He felt useless. He felt like a fool. He should never have trusted Vinyl.

"Hey kid." Axis said, which made Ripper look up in the big screen in front of him. There he saw Axis, her left eye closed and her left wing's bones shown a bit. "I'll tell you a story. About the 'DISeased Massacre'." Axis said. "Vinyl... no. Anastasia Genocide. You committed it." She said, and Ripper felt Vinyl smirk. "You're name was never Vinyl Phylocase. You were Anastasia Genocide!"

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