Chapter 12: Birth of Babies

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Today is August 4th Tiffany's due date, but no baby. Now comes the waiting game. Then comes August 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th and so on .
Now it is August 15th at 12pm and Tiffany yelled "Joe, it's time!" Joe yelled "time for what?" Tiffany yelled back at him "it's time for the baby." So Joe grabbed the baby bag and Tiffany and they went to the car. It took them 5 minutes to get to the hospital. When they got there, Joe got the bag out of the car and started walking toward the entrance door, but then noticed he forgot Tiffany. So he had to walk back to the car to get her. They both finally walked in the entrance and filled out paperwork and got Tiffany to her room on floor 2 room 220.  Finally time came for Tiffany to push. Denise and Danielle and I cheered her on while Joe held her hand. Next the doctor said "okay, daddy, you can come cut the cord." Joe said "what?" Then he walked down there to cut the cord but when he go to that area, Joe passed out. So one of the nurses had him sniff smelly salt and Joe woke up and finally go enough composure to cut the cord. At 1:31pm Stella Denise Jonas was born and looked exactly like her daddy.
Then everyone took lots of pictures of her. Next it was time for daddy to change Stella's first poopy diaper. Joe had no idea what he was doing so Tiffany talked him through it saying "undo the diaper, lift the legs, wipe, wiie, squeaky, squeaky and then put the new diaper on. Then everyone left so the new family of 3 could get to know each other. Joe was especially happy that Stella was born on his birthday. He said "that is the best birthday gift ever." The next day August 16th Joe and Tiffany got to take Stella home. Now came time to wait for my baby to be born.
Now today is September 14th my due date, but no baby. Now it is September 16th and it is 3:30am and I feel a very severe contraction. So I tried to wake up Nick, but he was too tired. Then I yelled "Nickkkkkk!" He woke up and said "what?" I said "it's time for the baby!" So Nick and I went to the car.
It took 5 minutes to get to the hospital. When we got there we filled out paperwork. Then the nurses took me to my room on floor one room 30. Finally came the time to come for me to push. Tiffany, Danielle and Denise all cheered for me and videotaped while Nick held my hand. Then the doctor said "Nick, you can now come and cut the cord." Nick went down there and he  cut the cord and he did so well. Finally at 4:37am Maci Ann Jonas was born. Next everyone took lots of pictures. Tiffany was so excited that Stella would have a cousin and how they get to grow up together. Next we smelled something foul and it was timofie daddy, Nick to change his first poopy diaper. Nick said "I have no idea what I am doing." So I told him, " take the diaper off, lift the legs, wipe, wipe, squeaky, squeaky and then put the diaper on.  Nick said "this is the happiest birthday of my life. Then everyone left to give the happy family of 3 time alone. On September 17th Nick and I took our beautiful baby girl home.
Everyone now can't wait to see what great friends these cousins will grow up to be.

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