A memory

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"Here. She was trying to defend her parents. Real fighter that one" a man said as he dragged a kicking and screaming, a very young girl.

"Very good. Put her in with the other soldier." A man said casually waving his arm about.

The first man walked down the corridor and to a room. He threw her inside as she started crying. Preparing, her training and, for her memory to be wiped. An older man was in this room and when this girl was thrown in, he became fully alert. He studied the girl. She would have been no more than three and was crying. He called out to her "Come here" the little girl sniffed, stood up and slowly made her way over to him. He pulled her up on his lap and began to murmur softly to her.

Not long after, the man came back for the girl, tearing her away from her new found protector. The girls protector let her go and stood up, watching as they walked away.

She was absolutely terrified. They made her sit in a chair while they strapped her in. And to soon, they began.

She didn't know who the man was when she came back. She didn't know anything. And so she started to cry once more. And the man, pulled her onto his lap, and began to murmur softly to her.

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