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"I'm sorry. But how did you listen to that as a lullaby? Were you not scared?" Questioned Tony.

Natasha scoffed. "We weren't allowed to be scared."

"Harsh" Tony said.

"You think? Try being brought up by them?" Natasha said raising an eyebrow.

"No thanks. I'm good." He Replied.

"That's what I thought"

She rubbed her head and placed them in her hands. "I don't like this. I just want to remember." She said, her voice barley above a whisper.

"And we'll help you remember, Miss." Vision Said. "I promise"

She smiled up at him. "Is it okay if I ask something."

"Shoot, kid" Tony said making his fingers in clicking type motion.


"Means ask away. Now what was it." He replied.

"Can I have a name?" She asked. Quickly she added, "I don't have to. I thought it may be easier."

"Yeah. Yeah that sounds good" Bucky said. "What would you like your name to be?" He asked.

She thought for only a moment, about wether or not they might laugh. She felt like Tony, may. "Dawn." She said simply. "Dawn Greta Barnes"

Bucky gasped a little at the last name but smiled and pulled her in for a hug, tears brimming that no one could see, or, just wouldn't comment on.

"That's sounds good. No, great even." Bucky said pulling away.

"That's good." Dawn said.

"Yes. Well, now that's sorted. Dawn" Tony said dragging her name a little. "You go watch TV for a while. The older people have to have a talk."

Dawn looked at them quizzically, cocking her head to one side. Then she realised that it was just grown up stuff she wouldn't get and wouldn't allowed to be apart of.

She walked out of the room and sat down on the couch, then she stared flicking through the channels. Dawn was very glad Tony insisted she knew how to work the remote.

Dawn finally settled on a channel and began to watch the movie that was playing. About halfway through, she heard a tapping on the window. She thought nothing of it at the time. So she continued watching her movie.

The movie had just finished when out of no where, all of a sudden, a figure popped in front of her.

Alarmed, she stepped back. "Who are you?" She questioned.

The figure looked at her for a second and then somehow, a look of somewhat recognition passed on the masked face. "My names Peter."

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