Tili Tili Bom

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She awoke the next morning, wondering where she was. Then it clicked, she was in Avengers Tower. But why? She looked down to see someone. They looked so familiar, as if she knew him before yesterday. She slowly got out of the embrace, careful not to wake him. Tiptoeing as quietly as she could to the kitchen did not seem to work.

"Excuse me miss. What are you doing?" They asked.

She turned slowly to see a red figure with something that seemed to be glowing in his head.

"I don't know. My, this area" She said pointing to her stomach "is trying to tell me something"

The red figure smiled. "You appear to be hungry." He said before starting to prepare a meal.

"Who are you?" She asked moving to see him better.

"I, am Vision. And you?" He replied, never taking his eyes off of what he was doing.

"I don't know. I'd like to know. But, I don't." She said sadly.

"It'll be alright miss. I'm sure you'll be able to remember."

"Thank y-" But she was cut off by someone yelling.

"Eve! EVE! Vision, had you seen-" But he stopped one he saw her. Running over to her, he whispered softly, "Don't do that. You had me worried sick."

She smiled slightly. "I'm sorry."

He pulled back as Tony and Natasha ran into the room. "It's alright."

She smiled at him, but then frowned. A voice started singing in Russian.

Закрой глаза скорее,
Кто-то ходит за окном,
И стучится в двери.

Кричит ночная птица.
Он уже пробрался в дом.
К тем, кому не спится.

Он идет...
Он уже

Ты слышишь, кто-то рядом?
Притаился за углом,
И пронзает взглядом.

Все скроет ночь немая.
За тобой крадется он,
И вот-вот поймает.

Он идет...
Он уже

Ты слышишь, кто-то рядом?
Притаился за углом,
И пронзает взглядом.

She stumbled back and fell. She didn't know who's voice it was.

"E? What's wrong?" Bucky asked.

"Someone sang a song. In Russian. How do I know this song?" She whispered.

"What's the song in English?" Tony asked, while Bucky sat next to her.

"Tili Tili Bom
Close your eyes quickly
Someone's walking by the window
And knocking at the door.

Tili Tili Bom
Can you hear the birds through the night?
He's already made his way into the house
For those who cannot sleep

Hear his steps
He's already

Tili Tili Bom
Can you hear someone next to you ?
Huddled in a corner
With a penetrating gaze

Tili Tili Bom
The night will muffle everything
He is sneaking up to you
Now he almost got you..

Hear his steps
He's already

Tili Tili Bom
Can you hear someone next to you ?
Huddled in a corner
With a penetrating gaze" She said with a small sob.

"You mean kids are supposed to fall asleep after hearing that?" Tony asked.

Natasha nodded. "They used to sing it to me."

Tony shook his head. "I don't know about you but if I heard that at her age or younger I would be terrified."

She rested he head on her knees. "I don't like it. Voice. He sang that. Man with weird symbol. You were there also." She said pointing at Bucky.

"Hydra." Tony said with anger.

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