Waking Up

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Dawn started to stir. "Mmm" She said as she turned over. The thing she was on was hard. Not at all comfortable. A bright light was blinding her. She didn't want to wake back up. She wanted to stay in the dark.

She turned around in the dark.

A hooded figure stood there.

"I told you we would get you." It said.

"Why? What do you want?"

"That's for you to find out later. But for now, you need to wake up." It whispered.

"I don't want to"

It smiled a toothy grin. "Time to wake up" it whispered.

Dawn shot up. Where was she? She felt something leaning on her stomach. She looked down and saw someone had fallen asleep lying their head on her.

She looked closer. His eyes were red and watery. His cheeks, wet.

Why had he been crying?

She poked him. "Peter" She whispered.

He shot up faster then a bullet and looked at her. "Dawn." He breathed.

He then threw his arms around her.

"Peter" She croaked.

He pulled back and looked at her.

"Where's Bucky?" She asked.

Peter avoided her eyes.

"Peter. Where's Bucky?"

He still didn't look at her.

"Peter. Peter please." She said her eyes watering.

He looked at her. "He's not here"

Dawn looked at him. "Peter. Are you playing the joke? Peter please."

"He's not here anymore, Dawn."

Dawn closed her eyes as she felt tears welling up.

"He's right behind you. He's behind you and he's going to be okay."

A Blank Canvas (Peter Parker)Where stories live. Discover now