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"Tony. Tony. Please. We need to know about her. Just forget what happened before." He said reasoning with him.

"Fine. But I am only doing this for the kids sake."

She looked around the room as they walked in and the two men arguing.

"Hi. I believe we didn't have the best encounter before so lets start over. I'm Steve Rogers" said the person she now knew as Steve.

"I have not met you." She says.

He looked at her confused. "We have met. We fought"

She cocked her head to one side. "Fought? What is fought?"

Steve looked at the man he had been arguing with before. "Do you have any idea how this could have happened?"

"No. No I don't. Agh hi kid. I'm Tony. Do you know your name?" He asked.

She shook her head.

"Well this will be fun" Tony said.

The man who had saved her still hadn't let go of her hand. But she didn't mind.

"Who are you" She asked him.

"They call me Bucky" he said softly to the girl.

She nodded her head slowly. She felt like she knew him. "Where am I?"

"Well. You're at Avengers tower" said Tony. She nodded at this.


"You sure do ask a lot of questions. It's because we need to figure out who you are." Said a new voice. She looked up.

"Who are you?" She asked

"I am Natasha." The person said coming over to her.

"Natasha" she repeated slowly.

Natasha nodded at the girl and smiled. "We need to figure out who you are. Can you remember anything?"

She shook her head. "Like hand came and took everything." She said, waving her free hand over her head.

They looked at each other, puzzled. Then Tony stood up.

"Memory. Her memory has been wiped." He said clicking his fingers and going to a nearby computer.

She looked utterly confused at this. "Memory wipe? What is memory wipe?"

No answered her. They were all watching over Tony's shoulder.

"Do you remember anything? Where are you from?" Asked Steve.

She shook her head. "I don't remember."

She stayed silent as something just flickered in her mind. A room. A dark room with a chair and straps. Another memory played.

She was strapped down in a chair. Pain. Unbearable pain. Screams echoed around the room. Everything then went blank, like a canvas just waiting to be filled.

She stumbled into Bucky's arms. "Room. Room bad. Dark. No no no!" She cried burying her face in her hands, collapsing. Bucky held her as her body wracked with sobs, trying to forget the pain. It was a little girl in the memory. She looked four. The others came over to see what had just happened.

"Agh yes hello. Somebody care to explain?" Tony asked.

"Bad. Bad place. Too dark." She whispered.

"She's talking about HYDRA." Bucky said as he held her close.

"HYDRA? You mean she's from the same place as you?" Steve asked. Bucky glared at him but nodded his head in response.

Tony ran his hand through his hair and sighed. "Look. It's getting late. Why don't we just let the kid get some rest and we'll talk to her some more in the morning."

The others agreed. So she ended up sleeping on the couch. She wasn't complaining, she was happy that she had somewhere to sleep. The others were all spread out throughout the building. Once the lights were turned off where she was, she started to shake. She didn't like the dark. It was bad, all to bad. She whimpered softly. Minutes passed before someone came.

"What's wrong?" The voice whispered.

"Dark. To dark."

The person laid down and pulled her close. "You're safe. Nothing can get you."

She yawned and then smiled. Soon she drifted off into sleep, still in the persons arms.

A Blank Canvas (Peter Parker)Where stories live. Discover now