The Date

109 9 4

"You want popcorn?" Flash Asked.

Dawn didn't have the slightest clue what popcorn was. "Sure"

Flash bought two packets of popcorn as they went to their movie and found their seats.


"Oi, Natasha. You got the tickets." Bucky asked.

"Yeah. We're only a few rows behind them. They won't notice us. Trust me." She replied.

Bucky nodded in approval. There was no was he was going to let that Flash do anything. It was hard even letting him breathe.


Halfway through the movie, Flash flung an arm over Dawns shoulders, and leaned in closer.

A little later, he started kissing her cheek

Dawn tried to push him off a little without making it noticeable.

It didn't really work.

Flash pulled Dawn onto his lap and continued kissing her on the cheek and neck.

While doing so, he felt something hit the back of his head. He turned around to see Bucky glaring at him, making the 'Im watching you sign.'

Flash turned back around and smirked. He couldn't do anything. They were in a public place and he could get arrested like that.

He continued.


"Bucky, calm down." Natasha said.

Bucky was breathing heavily and had a murderous look in his eyes.

"How can I?" He asked in a hiss.


"Flash, stop" Dawn whispered as Flash kept kissing her.

"Why?" He muttered.

"Because your kissing is repulsive and is making me want to throw up." She Replied.

Flash moved back. "I get it. Playing hard to get. I like it" He said whispering.

"Mmm" came the response.


Natasha and Bucky ran outside and waited for Dawn to come out.

"Thanks, again." Dawn said as she went to where Bucky and Natasha were.

"You're welcome. We should do it again sometime." He yelled over the crowd.

"We'll see about that." She muttered as the three got in, driving back. Dawn, trying to avoid the burning questions.


"I wonder how it's going." Steve asked out loud.

"Probably horrible." Sam responded.

"You're always so upbeat." Tony stared sarcastically.

"You know me. Always looking on the positive side."

A Blank Canvas (Peter Parker)Where stories live. Discover now