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When she next awoke, she was strapped down on a seat, surrounded by quite a few people. She saw her missions. She struggled and tried to get out, but was held down. Grunting and groaning, she settled down after a bit, glaring at all of them.

"Who are you?" One of them asked, who turned out to be Captain America. She glared daggers at him, a murderous look in her eyes. She didn't answer.

"She's Eve" said another, stepping out of the shadows. Bucky. She struggled to get out again but still she couldn't.

"What are you doing here" asked another.

Again. She didn't answer.

"I said, what are you doing here?" He asked again, taking a step closer. Still, she remained silent. She turned her head to look at Bucky again. There was something about him, as is she knew him from somewhere.

"Let me go" She demanded.

"Afraid we can't do that" Captain America said.

"Why" She asked.

"Because you tried to kill us. And we need to know why." He replied.

"I don't need to tell you anything" she said, spitting at his feet.

He looked down at his feet and sighed, beckoning the others to follow him out to talk. She watched them go. Once they left, she started picking at the restraints, remembering her training. She got one hand free and began on the other, than her legs. Once she was free, she ran. The only way out was to go pass the group of people. They were to busy to notice her and she was nearly at the door when one did.

"Hey" he yelled and went charging after her, as did the others. She flung open the door and slammed it in their faces. She sprinted out and found her way back to HYDRA.

A Blank Canvas (Peter Parker)Where stories live. Discover now