A Weapon Now

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"Mission report, June"

"Mission success. Target is dead"

The man looked pleased at this. Years and years of training had created this weapon. She stared at him with a blank expression. Ten years. Ten long years had created an unstoppable weapon, named June. Her looking young and weak gave them an advantage, they would never see it coming.

"Next mission. Steve Rogers, Captain America and an old friend of HYDRA that now goes by the name of Bucky. Assassination."He said.

"Mission start." She said as they led her out and gave her her weapons.

They have her their last known location and where they might be next. She put her weapons in her bag and began. It would not take her long to find them. She had been trained to hunt people down. To kill. A few hours passed and she found them. They were at an airport. Fighting others. She began to approach them, weapons not yet drawn. None of them noticed her at first. But when she walked into battle, then one of her targets noticed her. Captain America. He looked at her confused, as to what a 13 year old girl is doing in the middle of a battle. She pulled her weapons out of her bag and started running. He looked as if he had just seen pigs fly. She ran at him and started throwing punches. He blocked and dodged some of them. He missed one and it sent him staggering. She seized this opportunity and kicked him so that he fell onto the ground. She was next to him and just about to end him when a shove from her side sent her flying. She glared daggers and tried to get back to Captain America. Captain America was now fully aware of what she was doing and he started to fight. There were punches being thrown from Captain America and the other person that had come to his aid. She kicked Captain America in the side and punched him in the chest. He then flipped her over onto her back, knocking wind out of her. She got back up and continued to fight. Then, without warning, Captain America's friend stopped and stared at her. "Eve?" He asked, looking as shocked as anything.

"Who is Eve?" She asked him in reply. He looked pained at this.

"Do you know who I am?" He asked her, sounding a tad bit hopeful.

"You are my Mission" She said grunting as she kicked him in the chest. He caught her leg and flung her to the ground. She was about to get back up but was being pinned down by Captain America. She glared at him before she was knocked out.

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