Patrick has a crush

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*Patty*: Guys, Guys I like someone!

//SassLord//: That's great pat, does he have a name?

*Patty*: I'd tell you but I don't want someone to tell him. 😊

//SassLord//: Cool.

~TheDevil~: Hi hoes, what're we talking about?

//SassLord//: Pat has a crush on some guy.

~TheDevil~: Oooooh!!!

~TheDevik~: Tell me more, tell me more!

//SassLord//: I'm cringing, Brendon whhhhhhhy?

Torosaurus: I'm here as the mother of this chat to congratulate Pat and help him get the guy.

*Patty*: Yay! :)

//SassLord//: God pat you're adorable!

*Patty*: Thanks. :P

XOFRNKXO has renamed the chat Patrick has a crush

//SassLord//: Frankie could ya not put patty on blast?

XOFRNKXO: But everyone needs to know!

/\Spooki/\: I just got the news. PAT WHO IS IT?!

*Patty*: ~ Shakes head ~

{}TYBBY{}: Pat if you tell me I promise to keep it a secret!

*Patty*: Okay... Pinky promise?

{}TYBBY{}: Pinky promise.

/\Spooki/\: So fucking unfair.

//SassLord//: Ty and Pat are like best friends, I'm pretty sure they tell each other everything.

/\Spooki/\: Everything?

//SassLord//: Pretty sure.

/\Spooki/\: Excuse me while I have a panic attack.

//SassLord//: Lmao. Have fun Joshy.


/\Spooki/\: Yes baby?

{}TYBBY{}: Get your butt over here, I want cuddles!

/\Spooki/\: Be right over princess.

//SassLord//: Cute.

XOFRNKXO: Gerard I'm gonna go to star bucks wanna come with?

//SassLord//: Yaaaas bby.

XOFRNKXO:I assume that's a yes?

//SassLord//: Yes.

XOFRNKXO: K be there in a few.

!Unicorn!: I wanna come!

//SassLord//: We always let you come though.

!Unicorn!: I still want coffee.

XOFRNKXO: Fine Mikey but you better not whine about pda.

~* Hey hoes! JK y'all aren't hoes I just wanted to be cool like Brendon. Anyway who do you think Pat's crush is? Leave it the comments. Have a great day wonderful people. *~

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