Dallon got rekt.

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{}TYBBY{}: Look at this lil baby!!!

{}TYBBY{} has renamed the chat PUPPIES!!!

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{}TYBBY{} has renamed the chat PUPPIES!!!

*Patty*: Omg Ty it's so cute what breed is it?

{}TYBBY{}: Shiba Inu I think? It's some kind of Japanese dog :P

*Patty*: I need one.

{}TYBBY{}: Maybe for our birthdays!

*Patty*: Ooh.

/\Spooki/\: Depends.

:PumpkinPetey:: Yup.

//SassLord//: If they don't get you puppies for your birthdays Ray and I will get you puppies.

Torosaurus: True, it's our duty as the mothers of this chat to ensure you're happy.


/\Spooki/\: But that's my job?!

//SassLord//: Not anymore.

/\Spooki/\: Go bug Frank and let me have Ty.

//SassLord//: I'm actually with him rn. He's sick af. My poor Lil baby.

//SassLord//: Ray and I are taking care of him cause his mom had to work today.

~TheDevil~: Damn you're a good boyfriend. Can I swap Dallon for you?

//SassLord//: No.

~TheDevil~: Ray maybe?

Torosaurus: No, Mikey's fine.

//SassLord//: Next time you get sick if Dallon doesn't take care of you call me I guess, cause that's what friends are for.

~TheDevil~: Thank you. Like can I call you mom?

//SassLord//: Yeah sure whatever.

~TheDevil~: K mom.

/DaddyDallon/: Wow Bren.

~TheDevil~: What?

/DaddyDallon/: Calling Gerard mom.

~TheDevil~: There's absolutely nothing wrong with it.

Torosaurus: True cause half of you call me mom.

Torosaurus: I'm also pretty sure I've bought condoms for you because you were too embarrassed to get them yourself.

//SassLord//: You just got rekt by Ray.

/DaddyDallon/ is now offline

~TheDevik~ Omg the look on his face I wish you could've saw it holy shit it was hilarious!

//SassLord// has changed the name of the chat to Dallon got rekt.

~* I'm having severe period cramps like holy shit. It was nice to write this it got my mind off the fucking stabbing pain in my abdomen. Anywhore hope y'all enjoy. *~

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