Wolf Moon

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This is my first Teen Wolf story. Hope it's good. If I missed something or got something wrong, don't be afraid to let me know. I don't own anything but Zaira, Alexa, and other OC's that might show up.

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"Come on Zaira, wake up or we're going to be late." my best friend, Alexa, said as she shook me awake.

"I'm up. I'm up." I replied as I rolled over and opened my eyes.

I got up, got dressed, and headed downstairs to eat.

"Is Stiles picking us up or am I driving us?" I asked as I fixed myself some toast.

"You're driving us." Alexa replied as she ate her bowl of cereal.

After breakfast, we headed out to my black mustang and headed off to school.

We got to school and I parked in the parking spot close to the bike rack.

"You stole my spot." Jackson said angrily.

"I don't see your name on it, so shut the hell up." I replied as Alexa and I walked toward Scott and Stiles.

"What happened to you?" Alexa asked as we saw Scott put his shirt down after showing Stiles something.

"Scott got attacked." Stiles said before Scott popped him.

"You went looking for the other half of a body, didn't you?" I asked as I looked between Scott and Stiles.

"How did you know?" Stiles asked as we headed inside.

"We're cousins, remember, and plus I know you." I replied with a smirk as I got my books out of my locker.

Stiles didn't reply as the bell rung and we went to class.

School went by pretty fast and I went to watch my cousin practice lacrosse.

I saw that Alexa was already there with a girl that I didn't recognize.

"Zaira, this is Allison. Allison, this is Zaira." Alexa said as she introduced us.

"Hi." we said at the same time.

We watched the boys practice and noticed that Scott was amazing.

After practice, Alexa and I went home and got ready to walk.

"You haven't told them, have you?" Alexa asked as we walked through the woods.

"No, not yet." I replied as we jumped over a stream.

"What do you think they'll do when they find out?" Alexa asked as she looked over at me.

"I honestly don't know." I replied as we stopped in front of the house we knew so well.

"What happened?" Alexa asked as she looked between me and the Hale house.

"If that bitch had anything to do with this, I'm going to kill her." I said with venom dripping from every word.

Alexa looked at me confused and I decided to tell her everything that happened after she left.

"It happened after you left. Derek started dating some chick and I found out that her last name oh so happen to be Argent. She used Derek, but when I tried to tell him, he bit my head off. Laura was the only one who believed me. I bet Argent had something to do with this." I said as I finished my story and headed back into the woods.

Alexa didn't say anything, but she didn't have to. It bothered me to think about it.

As we got further into the woods, we ran into Scott and Stiles.

Nothing is What it Seems Book 1 (Teen Wolf)Where stories live. Discover now