December 21, 1995

580 36 22

Dear Justice League,

It's the last day before winter break, and you know what happened?

There was an earthquake.

The school caught on fire.

Yep. That's right. Arson.

But that's not the best part. Yes, you read that correctly, I said best.

I saved a damsel in distress! The one and only, Vanessa! Take that Timothy Vug! (He's the guys that kept flirting with Vanessa, just so you know). In your stupid, chiseled face!

Well, technically it wasn't me. It was the other guy. That's right. The muscle guy I turn into with lightening.

Okay, I'll set the scene for you. (Imagine me clearing my throat for dramatic effect).

We were in class, sitting at our desks, when the ground started to rumble. The teacher told us to get under the desks and we did. But the ground was shaking really hard, so stuff actually fell from the ceiling, and the sink burst a pipe or something because water went spurting out of it.

We were lucky enough to get out in time and get away from building to the safe zone. But the ground shook again and we were all left flopping on the ground. It eventually stopped. I was thankful for that. I didn't like getting tossed like a Barbie doll.

My teacher quickly called out attendance to make sure we were all there. We said we all were. Except one person.


I started to panic a little bit, along with the teacher. She kept calling to the other teachers and they didn't know where she was either. I took in a breath.

I couldn't let my darling be hurt.

I had to do something.

Lucky for me, no one really pays attention to me enough to notice that I wandered off. I was able to sneekily run back to the school.

My eyes widened when I got close. Reporters and firemen were already there. I ran to the back fence and climbed over it, then raced to the back doors.

Smoke was coming from the windows and red flames were starting to grow. I later learned that the earthquake made a gas leak that was flammable.

Without hesitating, I yelled, "Shazam!"

Lightening came from the smoky sky and thunder echoed. I looked down at my abs. Not only did I have the red costume, but I also had an eight pack. Heck yes, for that bonus!

I dashed in and started coughing. It was getting hard to breathe. But I knew I couldn't give up. I started shouting to try and call for her.

I heard something. It was quiet, but I heard it. It came from the girls bathroom.

That's when I hesitated. I wasn't supposed to go in there. It was a private space. What if Vanessa was on the toilet or something?

But then I heard her cry for help and I just rushed in. I saw her in the corner buried under some of rubble.

"It's okay!" I yelled.

"Just help me!" She was in pain.

I began to pull the rubble off of her. I didn't think. I just did it. And as soon as she was free, I lifted her into my arms.

I ran outside the front doors. Well, I actually smashed through them. But I was instantly flooded with bright lights of cameras and firemen shouting at me.

I went to them and put Vanessa down near them. I tried to get away when a reporter stopped me. They asked who I was.

That's when I kind of panicked, because I knew Uncle watched the news. He would know what I did and he would not be happy.

So I just ran away from the crowd as fast as I could. I easily out ran them. I found a quiet spot and said, "Shazam!"

I made it back to the safe zone with my teachers. Uncle picked me up.

And what do ya'know! I'm writing this letter to you my bros. Fingers crossed that Uncle misses the news tonight.

But I couldn't be happier. I saved Vanessa. Oh yeah!

-Billy Batson

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