August 8, 1996

386 32 9

So Wiz,

I went into the library today with the book I found your room and started comparing the writing in it to different languages.

And I have to say that it was really hard.

I mean do you know how many different languages there are on the whole entire face of the planet?


Apparently there's like a bajillion. I mean I think I was searching for hours just to find a font that was similar.

And I thought I had a big break! Armenian looked really close but when I started to translate it to English all of the words did make sense. The sentence was: "The story of chase."

Like what the heck!

That doesn't even make sense! Did you know someone named Chase? Does it mean like when you're running after a person?

I feel confuttled.

Don't laugh at me, Wiz. I know it isn't a word.

I didn't even know Armenia was a country and now I'm just getting weird letters and mishaps and I feel very frustrated right now.

I know I shouldn't say this, but because I feel very angry and irritated, I will.

Screw your fancy magic and gizmos and stupid book.

Why does it have to be this hard!?

Anyway, I'm going to go take out my frustrations on crooks and thieves.


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