December 10, 1996

433 33 8


I'm going to do something today. I'm going to use my under developed Prefrontal Cortex and pea sized brain to act. I'm going to be reckless and dumb, but I can't afford to wait on Black Adam any longer.

Something terrible happened. Again. (I know Wiz, shocker.)

But Black Adam knows who I am. I don't know how he found out, or how on Earth he discovered my name, but he has.

He knows I'm Billy Batson. He knows I'm a kid, and he knows about Uncle. He knows everything about who I am.

Wiz, I don't know what's gonna happen.

I bet you're confused on how I know this though. Well, when I came home from school today the house was empty. And I know that that's not unusual, but I got this really weird feeling in my gut. It felt like a mix of constipation and when you get butterflies in your gut.

But that's when things got even worse.

I set my stuff in our doorway and started calling for Uncle. I walked into the kitchen and it was a mess.

Glasses were shattered on the floor, the fridge was open and food was splattered everywhere. The table was flipped upside down and the chairs were just thrown randomly upside down and sideways.

But there was also blood.

A trail of it leading out the kitchen and into the living room and out the window.

There was a note on the window.

I didn't recognize the hand writing. It was pretty scratchy and messy.

But it was from Teth.

It read: "I think I'm winning this game Billy. If you know what's good for your Uncle, you'll show up alone at the edge of the City by the docks. 12:00 tonight at Glass Beach. If you don't come, your precious Uncle may become fish bait. -BA"

I'll meet him. I'll get him.

I can't let anything happen to Uncle. Uncle has been with me for as long as I can remember. I won't let anything happen to the last part of my family I have. I'll go alone. I'll win.

Just you wait Black Adam.

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