Chapter thirteen: When the light and dark collide!

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(Magic's P.O.V)

England 2014

When I saw my father standing outside waiting for me, I just freaked!

Like that psychopath made me get married! And to another psychopath too?

Father stood there in his tux, a few of our men with him. Father and the rest of the men carried flowers in their hands, when I got there I grabbed the flowers and walked to a corner. When I was there, I used my powers to burn them down into little bits of ashes (hehe, asher!). The fire sprinklers showered down on everyone. HA! Even those fake blondies who were flirting with my men got hit! There makeup ran down their faces, and their horrible high pitched screeches filled the air.

Ugh! I shivered.

Hehe, even my dad and those idiots are getting wet since they are in public eye, while I stay in my dark, little corner (imagine juvia in her corner watching gray with her creepy face!).

There were just four guys, excluding my dad (hes an old immortal man! what do you expect?). The shortest one is Ren, his older brother Kyo. The oldest guy and the tallest is Alzack, and the guy in the ponytail like Asher is Riven. But my father over there is Faust, he has long, brown hair and a golden crown with sapphires; right now he is wearing a tux along with the other guys, but usually he has a crown and a blue cape as well as blue shirts. My mother's favourite colour was blue anyways.

When the water stopped, all the guys glared at me; while I on the other hand was having trouble holding in my laughter.

"Thank you Princess." Alzack said sarcastically (if you watched the story of saiunkoku, you will realize that Ensei Rō always calls Shūrei princess! oh yea, alzack is ensei).

"No problem my dear friend!"

He glares at me even harder; if looks could kill, I'd be dead now. He grabs my arm and pulls me to the exit, leaving the rest tagging along behind us.

"Your Highness, when do we take the Princess home?" Kyo asked, he isn't shy, but his voice is pretty quiet; but if he gets mad, holy fish! You'd pee yourself.

"She is busy at the moment, and we are only here to pick her up. Nothing else." Father replied.

Kyo bowed and walked a bit faster to pry Alzack's hand off my arm, "you are hurting her Alzack."

Alzack looks at Kyo and bursts into laughter.

Ahead of us, Riven and Ren open the doors.

"Princess, the car is waiting out front. Please follow me." Ren said politely, offering his arm.

I smile up at him at wrap my arm around his, we walk to the loooooooooooooooooooooooooong, black limousine. Riven opens the door for me.

When I'm in, I sit in the faaaaar corner; my father sits on the opposite side. Ren and Kyo sit beside each other to the right side of the limo, since they are brothers and Riven and Alzack side on the left. They both seem to be arguing about something, but my mind is too preoccupied with way to many thoughts. The first one obviously was about Asher, I wonder what he is doing right now, did he finally cut his hair? Maybe he is doing his alpha work.

I sigh in frustration and push my hair back.

"Are you okay Princess?" Ren asks.

"Fine." I sigh.

"Do you want some whisky Princess? It will calm you down." Alzack jokes, and sadly laughing at his own joke while we all just stare at him.

"Be serious Alzack. This is the Princess who you just told to drink." Kyo lectures.

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