Chapter 3

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I had the auditions for the musical today and I was so nervous. I whimpered nervously, wringing my hands together.

"You're gonna be great, Gee," Frank said.

It was a production of The Addams Family and I thought I might be sick. It's been a while since I've been in a musical, the auditions were the worst part.

"Why are you so nervous?" He asked. "I heard you practicing, you're an amazing singer."

"Auditions just freak me out, it's like I'm being scrutinized and judged about everything," I said. "And I know that I am but I just freak out because, like, I feel like even if my skirt is shifted slightly then I'll get yelled at or something."

"You won't get yelled at," he denied.

"I know, I just get a little freaked," I said.

I kept folding the script and unfolding it then unfolding it again.

"Gerard Way," the director called.

I let out a whimper and stood up.

"Go break your neck," Frank said, giving me a kiss.

"M-my neck?" I asked in shock.

"I-Is that not what they say?" He asked.

"It's a leg," I said.

"Go break a leg then, break both your legs," he said.

I giggled and walked out onto the stage.

"Um, I-I'm Gerard Way and I'm auditioning for the role of Wednesday Addams," I said.

I looked at Frank and he smiled, giving me a thumbs up. The audition went thankfully a lot smoother than I thought. As soon as I finished I ran off the stage, jumping into Frank's arms.

"Perfect," he said. "Let's go back to my house."

I nodded, holding his hand. We've been dating for a few weeks now and so far it has just been perfect. Frank was so nice and thankfully he let me take things slow.

"Let's grab some lunch on the way?" He asked. "What do you want? McDonald's?"

"Sounds perfect," I agreed.

Frank stopped through the drive through and we ate on our way home. Soon we were at his house making out on his couch. He pulled me close and I let out a soft whimper before shaking my head.

"C-can we do something else?" I asked. "Do you wanna go swimming?"

I of course loved making out with Frank but I didn't want things to get too escalated too quickly.

"Of course we can," he said. "Lake or pool?"

"Lake," I said. "I-I don't have a swimsuit, though."

"Maybe we can just go skinny dipping," he suggested and my eyes went wide. "Sorry, sorry, that was a joke. I have extra suits here."

I followed him upstairs to the guest room where there was a closet full of clothes.

"Why do you have all these?" I asked.

"Oh, it's for friends and stuff," he said. "If they stay over but don't have a change of clothes then I've got stuff for them here."

"Is that why you have tampons in the bathroom?" I asked and he nodded. "That's sweet."

"Alright, so, suits should be in the bottom drawer of the second dresser," he said. "I'll be downstairs."

He shut the door as he left and I opened the drawer. I dug through it, finding swim trunks and bikinis. I pulled out a one piece bathing suit that was pastel pink and had a strappy back. I put it on and smiled before I went downstairs. Frank was there, dressed only in a pair of red swim trunks. His skin and all his tattoos were shown off, displayed like art at a museum.

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