Chapter 19

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I went to sit down but whimpered at the stinging.

"Daddy, my ass still hurts," I complained.

Frank smiled softly and set a soft pillow down for me to sit on. I bit my lip as I sat down, the pain still stinging a little bit but it wasn't too bad, it still just hurt to sit sometimes.

"You need more lotion, Princess?" He asked.

"No, that's okay, I think I'm good," I said. "You already put lotion on earlier."

Frank nodded, flipping on the news.

"We need to go to the apartment later on to start packing your things up," Frank said.

"That's a lot of work," I whined.

Frank chuckled, giving me a kiss.

"I wish I could just snap my fingers and make everything magically appear here and unpacked already," I said.

"That would be pretty cool, huh?" He asked and I nodded. "Maybe one day they'll invent something cool like that."

"That would be so awesome," I said.

I cuddled up to his side as he watched the news.

"I'm gonna try and go out tomorrow because I need to find a summer job," I said.

"You don't need a job if you don't want one, I can pay for what you want," he said.

"I don't want you to think I'm just using you for your money," I said and he opened his mouth but I didn't let him speak. "But I just want to work, Daddy. But idk how Ive always just hated the application processes and I always hated interviews and things like that."

"You can work at the bakery," Frank said. "A job that you will be paid to work at with people you already know without having to get an interview or anything."

"Really?" I asked. "That would be amazing! Thank you so much."

Frank smiled and gave me a kiss.

"I love you," I said.

"I love you too, Baby Boy," He said.

"Can you go get me a little snackie?" I asked. "I would but my butt hurts."

I gave him my best puppy dog face and he smiled.

"Of course, Baby Boy, I would do anything for you," he said.

Frank walked away to the kitchen and I smiled as I stole the remote, turning on some cartoons instead. Frank came back with a small bowl and chuckled as he shook his head.

"Baby, come on, I only need it for five minutes to watch a report and then you can have the tv," he said.

"Okay," I mumbled.

Frank handed me the bowl of raspberries and I smiled. He held me close, pulling me over to sit on his lap. I smiled, eating happily as I rest my head down on his shoulder. I fed him a raspberry and he smiled, kissing the tip of my nose.

"Daddy, you got my nose wet," I said, wiping it on my forearm.

"You're the cutest," he mumbled.

I ate happily and Frank let me change the channel after he finished watching some news story about a bank robbery that happened nearby up in New York. I turned on some cartoons and Frank hummed happily as he watched with me.

"You sure your mom would be okay with me working at the bakery?" I asked nervously.

Frank smiled, grabbing his phone. He called his mom and put it on speaker as I blushed.

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