Chapter 18

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I grabbed the beer from the fridge and smiled as I sat down on the couch. All my friends were here and we were just sitting around talking happily. There was a knock on the door and I opened it, finding people I didn't quite recognize. But my friends seemed to recognize them and I invited them in. This continued to happen until music was blasting and the apartment was filled.

"Shots!" Someone cheered.

I was properly drunk now as I hurried to the counter and did shots with the other people there. The door opened and I saw Frank look around in confusion

"You're here!" I exclaimed.

I ran over to him, giving him a kiss.

"What the hell is this?" Frank asked. "You said you were only having a few friends over."

"Yeah but then friends of friends and of friends and friends came," I said. "And they brought real drinks!"

"You're drunk," Frank stated.

I stumbled a bit and he picked me up. He found my bedroom door locked and pounded on it. The half dressed couple scurried out of the room and Frank sighed.

I giggled as he laid me down on the bed and I pulled him down on top of me.

"No, Gee, we aren't fucking," he stated.

"Why not?" I pouted. "Don't you like me?"

"You're drunk," he said.

I giggled, pulling my dress off. Frank grabbed a pair of footy pajamas and got me dressed and I quickly fell asleep.

The next day Frank decided that I needed to be punished for my behavior. Thankfully he took care of me, helping me get rid of my hangover and giving me a bath.

He took me into his playroom and ran his hands over my hips. I kissed him roughly and he left out a quiet grunt as he pushed me back against the wall. He leaned down, kissing and sucking on my neck. I whined, tilting my head back.

"Naughty, Boy," he muttered. "Strip."

Frank took a few steps back and my breath hitches before I began to strip for him. I stood there naked, my stomach twisting with nerves and eagerness. Frank took off his jacket, carefully placing it over the back of the couch. He slowly rolled up the sleeves of his white button up up to his elbows, leaving his black tie on.

"What happened at the party?" Frank asked, stepping close to me.

"I-I had more people than I was supposed to and I drank hard liquor," I said. "I-I got really drunk."

"What did Daddy tell you not to do?" He asked.

"You told me to not drink too much," I said.

"That's right, and what did you do?" frank asked.

"I-I drank too much," I mumbled.

Frank nodded, his hand just barely brushing against my hip. The touch was electrifying and I sucked in a breath.

"You didn't do what Daddy told you to do, did you?" He asked and I quickly shook my head. "Do you think you need a punishment?"

"Y-yes, Daddy," I said quickly.

He smirked, pulling my body against his. I whimpered, rutting my hips against his.

"Now, now, you have to be good," he said

I nodded, biting my lip as I looked at him with a quiet whimper.

"I love you," I whispered.

"I love you too, Babydoll," he said.

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