Chapter 23

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I woke up with the sun shining in and I yawned. The tv was still on from the night before and I reached over to the nightstand for the remote to turn it off. The bed beside me was empty and still made, meaning that Frank never even came to bed last night. I yawned and got up, going to the bathroom to pee and brush my teeth.

When I walked out the bed was already made up neatly, no doubt from the maids. It still made me a little uncomfortable having people clean up after me. I had meant to make the bed myself, I have a habit of doing it after I brushed my teeth but they're like the little cleaning minions, they find a mess and within seconds it's gone. I've never had a maid before, I felt bad when they cleaned anything up.

I went downstairs and looked around curiously. I checked Frank's office and sighed, sitting down in his desk chair. I tried calling him but it only went straight to voicemail. I frowned, tapping my finger against the desk. Where has Frank gone? Worry was beginning to set in. It was late and he got into a car after a couple drinks. Sure he wasn't drunk but maybe his driving was still a little impaired.

Oh god.

Oh fuck.

What if...

My eyes watered at the thought and I looked down.

I mean, he's probably okay.

But what if he's not?

He's been gone for hours without a single word.

My eyes watered and I couldn't help it as I began to cry because I was just so worried. I sniffled, grabbing my phone to call Linda.

"Hey, Gee, good morning," she said brightly.

"Um, F-Frank left last night and he hasn't come back home yet and I'm worried," I whimpered. "H-have you heard anything from him."

"Something probably just came up with work," she said. "It's okay, sweetheart, he'll be fine, he'll probably be home soon."

"Oh, o-okay," I mumbled. "Sorry, I was just nervous."

"It's alright," she said. "Have a nice day, honey."

She hung up and I frowned as I sniffled. Well, if a mother isn't worried about her only child then I shouldn't be worried either. He's probably safe if his mom isn't worried.

I sat at his desk sadly, picking up one of the stuffed animals I designed that he had sitting on his desk. I tried my hardest not to cry but I couldn't help it. It's been hours now and he still hasn't said anything. What if something happened to him? I should call the police. I grabbed my phone, just about to dial the number when the front door opened.

I ran out and saw Frank standing there dressed in one of his suits. I let out a sob, jumping into his arms. He wrapped his arms around me as he smiled, holding me close.

"Where'd you go?!" I shrieked. "You left for hours without saying anything!"


"I almost called the cops!" I cried. "I was so worried!"

"You didn't call the cops, did you?" He asked.

"You scared me and—"

"You didn't call the cops, did you?" Frank repeated, his voice more firm this time as he held my shoulders to look me in the eye.

"N-no but—"

"Never call the cops, understand?" He asked.


"Do you understand me?" He asked, sounding angry at me.

How could he be angry at me? I should be angry at him!

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