Chapter 20

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I looked around curiously. Frank and I were at some sort of docking station, there were a whole bunch of shipping crates all around us. Frank opened on up and held up a flashlight as we looked inside. He opened up a box and pulled out one of the stuffed animals that I designed.

"They're so cute," I said.

Frank squeezed it's stomach lightly and smiled.

"It is adorable," he said, setting it back down.

Frank gave me a soft kiss and I giggled.

"Alright, this shipment looks good," Frank said as he walked out.

I picked up the stuffed animal and frowned. It almost seemed like there was something inside of it.

"Gee! C'mere!" Frank called.

I set the stuffed animal down and hurried out.

"Alright, Gee," he said as he signed a paper on a clipboard. "I'm gonna drop you off at the bakery next."

I nodded, looking at the large metal crates that surrounded us.

"Is this all that we're doing?" I asked.

"Yeah," he said.

"Oh," I mumbled.

It was a little disappointing, I thought it would be a little bit more exciting. A man I didn't recognize came up and started talking to Frank. I wandered around, looking at things curiously. I looked over at a tall watchtower, a guard with a large gun standing there staring. I whimpered in fear, going to cling to Frank's side. I've never really liked guns and having him there made me nervous.

"What's wrong, Babydoll?" Frank asked.

"I-I don't like guns," I mumbled.

Frank looked over at the guard and he wrapped his arm around my waist.

"It's okay, Baby, I know him, he won't bother us," he said. "You're safe, okay?"

I nodded, holding his hand. Frank lead me away back to the car. I got into the car and sighed as I looked out the window.

"What's wrong?" He asked, his hand on my thigh as he drove.

"Nothing, it was just more boring than I actually thought it would be," I said.

Frank snorted. "Yeah, these things can be pretty boring."

"I thought it would be exciting," I said. "I don't know why I would think that because you never talk about your job."

"Are you upset with me about that?" He asked.

"No but like we're living together and I just feel like I don't know a whole lot about you and your work sometimes," I said.

"Well you're working with me now so you can learn more," he said.

I smiled and he gave my thigh a soft squeeze.

"I'm glad," I said. "I love you so much, I hardly wanna be away from you for even two seconds."

"Me too," he agreed. "I always feel so lonely when you're not around."

I giggled happily and he gave me a kiss.

"I love you," I said.

"I love you too, Kitten," he replied.

I smiled and looked out the window as we drove. We were right at the coast, a little bit aways from home. But it was pretty and quiet here.

"Daddy, Do you think we could get some food first?" I asked.

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