Chapter 7: The Ride

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Chapter 7

Weylin came for her that afternoon to show her around the castle. Despite the servants and guards that were always within eye shot, it was nice to feel like she had a little more freedom. He guided her through the halls and courtyards, telling her the history of the massive fortress. “When my grandfather was just a boy, his father found this place. It was just ruins then, all the outer walls had to be rebuilt; but the inside was in pretty good condition. That's why the main hall is so beautiful,” he said. She could see how much he loved this place. “My grandfather continued rebuilding it when his father died, and my father finally finished it when I was very young. He's very proud of this place.” His tone was empty; he didn't like to think of his father. He changed the subject.

“When I was a boy, I used to climb that tree right over there.” He pointed to a small gnarled apple tree on the outskirts of the courtyard. “I used to pick apples for my mother, she was sick a lot.” Maeve sensed that the anger behind his last words. She softly asked, “What ailed her, my Lord?” He stiffened. “My father is what ailed her. “ He saw the look on her face and softened. “You needn't call me lord in private, my lady; we are to be wed after all. You can call me Weylin.” She smiled cautiously. “And you may call me Maeve.” He smiled, a big genuine smile. “Come, I have a surprise for you.”

He opened the stable doors and a beautiful white horse whinnied at them. “Her name is Star. Once we're married, she will be your very own. She is one of my finest horses, a wedding gift to you.” Maeve stared in delight; she had never seen such a beautiful horse before. Ignoring the slew of escape ideas that ran through her head, she smiled. “Thank you, Weylan- she is beautiful!” She stroked the long mane.

Weylin smiled and watched as she caressed the horse, allowing herself to forget the day's horrors for a moment. He allowed himself to really look at her for the first time. Her slender hips moved under the silky fabric, leading up to a tiny waist. He could see just a hint of her creamy breasts at the scooped neckline of her flowing gown. Her neck was gracefully framed by her flowing black curly hair. He was surprised that he suddenly wanted to move her hair to the side and press his lips to her soft neck. He started to imagine what it would be like to hold her in his arms, to slide her dress from her shoulders and see what she looked like underneath. He smiled; maybe this marriage wouldn't be so bad after all, if only she could learn to like him.

As she caressed the horse's main she could feel his eyes on her, taking her. She pretended she didn't notice, but she knew he was staring. After a moment she broke the silence. “Weylin, could we go riding today? I would love to try Star.” She smiled as demurely as possible. Weylin frowned. “My father wouldn't approve. He's concerned that you might try to escape.” She pleaded with him with her eyes. “Please, Weylin- I have been a captive for two days now. I would like to feel free, even if it's just for a moment.” He expression relaxed. “Well, I suppose if we stay near the castle... but you must not try to escape, or my father will punish you severely.”

Soon afterwards they were flying out of the gate, laughing into the cool breeze. Maeve was so happy to be outside her prison walls at last. She thought about escaping, but she knew she could never outrun Weylin. She found herself hoping that their run would not get him in trouble. She had started to mount sidesaddle, as noble ladies were supposed to do, but she decided to ride like a man and swung her leg over the side. Weylin raised an eyebrow, but didn't seem to mind.

They galloped over a small stream and into the woods. They ended up in a small clearing with a large log laying on its side in the center. Weylin dismounted and helped her down. “This is my favourite place to come and think; it's quiet and peaceful.” He sat down on the log and patted the spot next to him. “Come sit with me.”

Maeve sat down. She was becoming more trusting of this strange man, and that scared her. She was desperately hoping that he was truly as kind as he appeared. They both sat in silence for several moments, taking in the fresh air and watching the birds. Then he turned to her. “Maeve, I know we haven't known each other very long, but we are supposed to be married tomorrow. I have always wanted to marry for love; but I will not leave you to my father's mercy.” She was surprised by his blatant honesty. “I hope that in time, we can become friends, maybe even learn to love each other. This marriage is not what I had dreamed of, but I want to make the most of it. I want to be a good husband to you.” She blushed; he was continuing to surprise her. How could such a rugged warrior with Camlin as his father be sensitive enough to think of anything other than pillaging? And yet she somehow found herself talking so openly to him, wanting to win his approval. Why did she care?

She lowered her eyes. “This is not how I planned my wedding day, either. I didn't expect to be a captive on my wedding day.” He looked down, and she felt ashamed since she knew the situation wasn't his choice. She hurriedly added, “But I did expect to be married to someone that I didn't know very well. When I was kidnapped,” She saw him flinch, “I was being paraded before the eligible young men of our area. My father was to make the decision today. So as to us not know each other, that most likely would have been my fate anyways.” Giving him a shy glance, she continued. “But at least you are kind and considerate, which is more than I dared hope for.” Her face flushed; Weylin reached out his hand to brush s wayward strand of hair behind her ear. The simple touch sent electric shocks through them both. Mauve unwittingly closed her eyes at the touch.

Weylin may have been a respectful man who would never force a woman, but if she was willing, he was the definition of a passionate lover. There was much gossip among the young ladies of his enthusiasm in the bedroom. He saw her reaction to his touch, so he suddenly pulled her to his chest and covered her mouth with his. Her eyes opened in surprise, but she didn't resist. She soon relaxed in his arms and tentatively started to kiss him back. Her lips were soft and sweet; he held in a groan as he felt her body respond to him. His arms tightened around her, his solid, wide chest dwarfing her petite frame. She smelled like flowers.

Maeve couldn't believe what was happening. She was allowing this man to kiss her, and she was responding! Alarm bells rang out in her head, but she couldn't bear to pull away from his warm embrace. His mouth was warm and firm, his touch sending fire throughout her body. She had never let a man touch her like this before; she kept telling herself that it was wrong, but she also knew that she would be married to this man in less than a day. One of his hands moved to cup the nape of her neck under her hair; she melted at the simple movement.

She finally got control of herself and pulled back slightly. He looked at her in confusion. “Have I hurt you?” She tried to catch her breath, still stunned from their intimate exchange. “No, I'm fine; I've just never done anything like this before, and we are not yet married.”

His confused look faded into an expression of understanding. He leaned forward and whispered in her ear, “I will not take you until we are wed, and only if you give consent. I respect your innocence.” She breathed a sigh of relief, hoping he would keep his promise to not force her even after they were married. But she knew that she would have to come to his bed eventually, or she would risk his father's attentions instead. She hesitated, then smiled and stood up. “Shall we continue our ride?” He respected her wish to change the subject and stood, although he could not hide the look of longing that crept over his face as he looked at her. For one long moment she thought he would kiss her again, but he finally held out his hand to lead her back to the horses.

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