Chapter 19: The Feast

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 The video attached on the side is the song that is mentioned during the feast. It's one of my favorites. :) It's a Celtic song sung by Heather Dale. This chapter is sort of long, but there was a lot that needed to go in it. Enjoy! Please vote and comment!


Chapter 19

The cashel was a flurry of activity. Servants were arranging tables and chairs in the main hall, putting up decorations, and cooking mountains of food. Soldiers were bringing in peasants from the outer regions so they would be safe within the walls of the village, so they were setting up temporary tents for them and their livestock. The normally empty village center was soon filled with these tends. Maeve's eyes were wide. She didn't realize how many people lived under her father's rule. There had to be a dozen families from the outer regions alone. “How on earth will we feed everyone?” Maeve whispered to Kaie.

Her sister grinned. “Oh we'll be fine, da has been preparing everyone for moons now. Every peasant brought stores of food with them so they can feed themselves after the feast for several weeks. And before that, they brought anything extra that they could spare to the castle holdings. After the food they brought runs out, we've got two new cellars full of food that we traded for about a moon ago, as well as the old cellars full of our own food. We have enough supplies to last us for a very long time, Maeve.” Her sister smiled, hugging her close. “Don't worry, we'll protect you.” Maeve shook her head. “It's not me I'm worried about. What about all these innocent people who could die? What about Camlin's threat against you?” Kaie stood straight and tall. “He'll not take me, I'll stab him with me dirk first!”

Maeve raised an eyebrow. “A dirk, you say? Where on earth did you get a dirk?” Kaie looked at ger proudly. “Da has been teaching me to use one. He said that he underestimated Camlin once, but he wouldn't do it again, so he's had many of us ladies trained to use a dirk so we can defend ourselves. I'll teach you!” Maeve grinned. “Aye, that sounds like a plan. But for now, let's go help with supper.”

Kaie smiled. “No, sister, we've been instructed to steer clear of the kitchens. You're to rest, and I'm to watch you to be sure you do. Besides, we have to get you ready!” Before Maeve knew what was happening, she was being undressed and directed into a large tub that had been set up in her old room. She was a bit miffed at being told what to do, but she soon forgot her irritation as the warm water soothed her aching muscles. After her bath, Kaie helped her dry off. “And now we go to pick out your dress!” Grabbing her hand, she let her still dripping sister who was only wearing her towels to the small side room that was used to store Maeve's dresses.

“Why must you show me? I remember what gowns I have. I'll just wear the blue one, it was always my nicest.” Kaie shook her head. “Ma started to go a little mad while you were away. She cried all the time, and seemed to have lost all hope. But when we found out that your forced marriage was a happy one and it seemed likely that you would try to escape, she found her hope again. But not doing anything about it was making her crazy, so when she wasn't overseeing the new supplies she sewed you dresses.”

Maeve stopped as her sister reached the wooden wardrobe that held most of her gowns. “How many did she make?” Kaie giggled. “She made five!” Maeve's eyes grew big. “Five gowns! Why on earth did you let her make so many?” Kaie shrugged. “We were glad for it. She'd been so downcast and acting so strange; then she got it in her head that she would make these for you and she started to be more like herself again. 'Twas like it was her way of helping you get home, and it made her happy again. So da gave her whatever fabric and sewing supplies she asked for.” She pulled out the dresses and brought them over to the bed,

Maeve gasped. They were beautiful! She held up the first one, a soft ivory gown with gold embroidery and long lace sleeves that fell from her elbows. She picked up the next one, a deep red velvet with silver beading on the bodice and black lace under the bust line and along the edges of the tapered sleeves. The next gown was a pale green dress made of silk that she knew would look beautiful with her dark hair. The fourth dress was a of royal blue velvet, trimmed with ermine (fur) at the neckline and wrists. “Ooh, that will be so nice when it's cold!” she said in excitement.

Then her eyes fell on the last dress. It was pure white, with thin green lines of embroidered vines and leaves crisscrossing the bodice. Tiny blue flowers had been sewn amongst the leaves. The sleeves flared at the elbows and were made of sheer white lace. Maeve gasped; this was s truly beautiful dress, one that must have cost her parents money and her mother many hours of needlework. Kaie hugged her. “Twas to be your wedding dress. But since you're married and she didn't get to see you wed, I think she'd like to see you in it tonight as we celebrate your return instead.” Maeve hugged her sister. “You've become very wise, my sister. How is it that you are still so young?” Kaie blushed and turned around to get her sister's underclothes. “Here, you best get dressed. We still need to do your hair.”

A few hours later, the great hall was filled with people. Warriors, peasants, servants, and of course the family who sat at the head table. The din was deafening, but Maeve had never heard a more beautiful sound. She was home; she cared not how noisy it was. As she walked in, she saw her mother's happy face as she saw what gown Maeve had chosen to wear. She smiled, determined to thank her properly later. Weylin stood to greet her. “You look absolutely stunning,” he whispered into her ear as he helped her sit down beside him. Her father sat on her other side, and he smiled approvingly at the dress.

Tiernan clanked his sword against a shield behind him. “Aye, give me your attention!” The people in the hall hushed. “This day is celebrated because my daughter is safely home. And not only is she safe and here with us again, but she managed to snag herself a right handsome man too!” Weylin laughed and Maeve blushed furiously as the hall erupted with laughter. Her father smiled. “We are glad to have you home once again. Tonight we celebrate!” He raised a flagon of ale, and everyone else did the same. “To Maeve!” The hall responded. “To Maeve!”

Then several servants pulled out lyres and harps and sang merry tunes while they ate. They started playing a song about a selkie, to which Kaie jumped up and stood in the middle of the hall to sing with the mistrals. It was a lively tune, and everybody loved it. Many people started to dance. Maeve looked impishly at Weylin. “My lord, would you care to dance?” He looked surprised. “Ahh, I'm not sure how to... hey!” Laughing, she had grabbed his arm and pulled him into the crowd. He looked a bit stunned, and she giggled. “Did you never learn to dance?” She said, twirling around him, her long black hair cascading around her lithe body. He coughed. “Ah, no. My father never saw the importance of it...” His voice trailed off as he watched her twirl. God, she was beautiful. Then she grabbed his hands and pulled him towards the middle of the floor. “It's not hard, my love. I'll show you!” She was right, the steps were fairly simple. Before long he was dancing it with her easily, side stepping and jumping to the music.

She taught him a few more dances as the minstrels played and sang. By now Kaie had found a young boy to dance with, cheeks flushed with her exertions. Maeve's eyes widened as she saw her father leading her mother to the floor too. It truly was a night of celebration. Weylin followed her eyes and chuckled. “Your stern mother looks like she's had a bit too much ale if she's actually considering such an unladylike past time!” Maeve giggled. Weylin dipped his head closer to hers. “I can think of a few past times that would be very enjoyable, were you to be tired from dancing and wishing to retire for the evening.” Maeve gave him a sly look. “It is getting awfully crowded in here, and we did just return from an exhausting adventure...”

Seeing Kaie fly by, she waved her down. “Weylin and I are going to turn in for the night, we are very tired. Please let Ma and Da know.” Kaie chortled. “Aye, I'll let them know that you're going up to rest!” She put a heavy emphasis on the last word and wiggled her eyebrows. At Maeve's stern look, she laughed and danced away. Laughing, Weylin took her hand and led her to the stairs.


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