Chapter 16: The Tunnel

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 Yay here's the next chapter! Sorry for any grammar errors, I know I left you on a cliffhanger so I wanted to get this chapter out before I started work today, so I probably missed a few things. But here it is, enjoy! PLEASE PLEASE vote and comment! :) :)


Chapter 16

Four horses galloped across the old trail, churning up the fresh snow to create white clouds that circled their legs as they rode, muffling their footsteps. The group had been riding hard since the first rays of sunshine had awakened them this morning. The leader raised his hand to signal the others to stop.

“Look 'ere, boys,” He said triumphantly as he pointed to the ground. “Fresh tracks, made not more than an hour ago.” He stopped and sniffed the air. “I smell smoke. That means there was a fire nearby. Search the area! They must have sheltered in a cave somewhere!” Several moments later one of his men cried out excitedly. “I found an opening! It leads into a cave!”

The men crept cautiously into the cave, taking in its size and the remnants of a small campfire. Stooping down to inspect the pine branches left from a makeshift bed, a guard grinned slowly. “They were here, captain,” He shouted, holding up something in his hand that the captain couldn't quite see. “It's a hair, captain- long and black, just like the lady Maeve's!” The captain grinned slowly. “We've found them, lads!” He frowned, the tunnel in the back catching his eye. “But did they ride their horses as the trail would suggest, or did they leave the horses as a diversion and go through the cave?” He mused. One of his men spoke up. “Captain, I've heard a rumour that there's a tunnel up in these parts that leads down to the coast. It's been said that thieves use it when they need to get to the coast unnoticed. This looks like the cave they described, Captain.”

Finally, after several moments of thinking, he made his decision, pointing to one of his men. “You are going to follow the cave and see where it leads, I'll take Gregor with me and try to catch them at the coast, and Seamus will go tell aire Camlin that we found his prey.” His menacing grin returned. “We'll have them trapped,” He said in a low voice. “They'll have no way out!”


Weylin and Maeve had been climbing and crawling for hours it seemed. Maeve was not used to the uneven terrain, and her dress slowed her down. Weylin would have carried her, but the passageway was very small. They stopped several times to rest. Weylin was anxious to reach the other side, but he knew his wife was exhausted. “Maeve, let's stop for a bite to eat, then we'll continue.” Gasping for breath, Maeve nodded and sat down hard on a smooth rock near the wall. Weylin lowered himself down beside her and pulled the pack off his back, pulling out two rolls and a bit of cheese. “Eat this, it will give you strength,” Weylin said softly. His eyes took in her haggard features. Despite the circumstances, she continued to push forward; she was tougher than she looked, Weylin loved her for it. Not many would have made it through the long ride in the storm, much less crawling through a dark tunnel for so long.

Maeve leaned her head tiredly against his shoulder, so tired she didn't even want to eat. Weylin put his arm around her and held her close, whispering sweet things in her ear and making her smile. She managed to eat a few bites and drank some water from the canister they had brought. “We should go, Weyin- there's no way to tell whether they found the cave or not.” Nodding grimly, he helped her to her feet, but then froze as an unfamiliar sound caught his ear. Putting his finger to his lips to signal silence, he crept back along the passageway, listening for the sounds. His face turning white, he realized that he was hearing the sounds of someone walking up the same passageway they had just come down.

“Maeve, we're being followed,” He whispered. Her eyes widened with fear as he hurriedly replaced the food in the pack and grabbed her hand. “We must move, Maeve- and quietly,” he whispered hoarsely.

They moved with more purpose, trying not to dislodge stones as they hurried. Weylin knew they must very close to the entrance; he could see thin strands of light that weren't coming from his torch. They stopped so Weylin could listen. The sounds were getting very close now, and they could hear a man grunt as he hit his foot on a stone. The corridor was wider here, there was room for them to stand straight; not the best place for an ambush, but it would have to do. Weylin doused the torch and motioned Maeve to hide around a turn in the tunnel while he crouched down behind a large rock formation, waiting to see who their stalker was.

He didn't have long to wait.

Peeking through the crack between the rock formation and the wall, he could see a well armoured guard walking towards them. He was walking quickly, apparently trying to catch up with his quarry. One hand held a torch, and other his sword. He wore chain-mail armour and a metal cap.

Weylin waited for him to just pass him, then he jumped forward, sword drawn. Startled, the guard dropped the torch, which lay burning on the ground. Brandishing his sword, he leered at Weylin. “So I was right, you did come this way!” Ducking to miss a blow from Weylin, he laughed. “You'll be going back to your father, boy; and he's going to be mighty glad to get his hands on you and the woman!” Enraged, Weylin swung even harder. The guard was skilled, but his armour slowed him down, whereas Weylin only wore his normal clothes. And Weylin's skill with the sword was legendary. They crossed swords for several moments, each silent and concentrating as they tried to out-do the other in techniques and footwork. The clank of steel against steel echoed through the tunnel.

The guard tried to feint left and stab him in the stomach, but Weylin anticipated his action and sidestepped him, plunging his sword into the man's side. Groaning, the guard fell to his knees. “You'll not escape, boy; your father will have you yet!” Weylin pulled out his sword from the man's body and in one fluid motion sliced off his head. As he straightened his back to turn around, he heard Maeve scream. Turning around quickly to face her hiding place, he saw her step slowly from behind the curve in the wall, pulling at the arm around her white throat.

The other hand had a knife pressed under chin.


I can't help it... it' so much fun leaving it on a dangerous note like this! I'll update again soon, maybe tonight if I have time. Don't forget to vote and comment! I love hearing what you have to say! :D

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