Chapter 11: Love is in the Air

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Chapter 11

When Maeve awoke the next morning it took a few moments for her to figure out where she was and why there was a naked man asleep next to her. Then she remembered the pleasure she had felt last night. She had never dreamed that a woman could feel so much ecstasy; she had always thought that sex would be a painful thing only enjoyed by men. But Weylin had been so gentle... Then she felt his arms wrap around her from behind.

Weylin felt her stir, her beautiful black hair delightfully out of place. He rolled over and wrapped his arms around her from behind. His hands found her breasts, and she moaned. He kissed her neck, and the feeling of her body against his got him very excited. They could both feel his hardness against her round bottom. He whispered, “Want to do it again?” She nodded in reply; her eyes closed in ecstasy. The opened quickly when she felt his member enter her from behind. Then his hand moved from her breasts down to her clitoris, which he touched while moving in and out of her. She moaned and reached her arm up to play with his hair. It wasn't long before they both finished and lay in each other's arms. “let's stay here all day,” he murmured into her neck. She smiled; this was much more pleasant than she could have ever imagined. “Yes, my lord,” she murmured in reply. “It's Weylin, not my lord when we're alone,” he corrected her. She smiled. “Weylin. I would love to stay here all day with you.” She squealed as he quickly rolled her over and kissed her hard again.

They stayed in their rooms the entire day. They had their meals brought to them, they read to each other and talked for hours. Weylin knew he was falling hard for his new wife, and he was glad for it; he had never wanted to marry without love. And given the way her cheeks flushed when he smiled at her, he allowed himself the hope that she was falling for him too.

Maeve didn't know what to think; she should hate this man, and yet when he touched her she lost all control. She was still a bit stunned at her own reaction to his touch; she felt embarrassed that she could be so vocal with a man. But he had seemed to enjoy it; he had taken her twice this morning alone, and the way his eyes followed her she didn't doubt that it would happen again before too long. She found herself looking forward to it. As through reading her thoughts, he leaned forward over the book he had been reading and whispered, “You don't have to wait for me to make the first move, my lovely wife; you have control of my body just like I have control of yours.” She flushed and looked away, causing him to smile.

That evening he made love to her again. There was less pain than before, her body was healing from her lost virginity. Weylin had given the blood splattered sheet to a maid with firm instructions to send it to his father; proof that he had taken her so his father would leave her alone. They slept in each other's arms all night long. As she was drifting off into sleep, she wondered how such a strong man could possibly be so sensitive to her needs and wants, especially with a father like Camlin. It was rare for a man of noble birth to put a woman first like Weylin did; usually the a ruler lorded over his wife as well as his kingdom. Weylin seemed happy to have her as an equal.

Maybe this marriage wouldn't be so bad after all.... as long as Camlin left her alone and she could send word to her family that she was safe. She decided to mention that point to Weylin in the morning so he could approach his father.

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