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I walked up to the patio taking big steps but quickly slowed down. I took a big breath before knocking on the door. When I knocked I began to shake, I was expecting a big muscular man with piercings and tattoos to answer it. But instead came a guy with pink hair and green eyes who wore a black hat. He looked down and smiled. Maybe it was because I was a kid. I wasn't sure but he wasn't what I was expecting which is probably for the best.

"May I help you?" The guy asked

"Uh I'm your neighbor Fukase, I live right there" I said pointing to my house.

"Did you say your name was Fukase?" He asked

"Y-Yes have you heard of me?" I asked

"No just couldn't fully hear you, you talk kind of low." He said

"Sorry" I said loud enough for him to hear.

"I'm Yuuma" He said

"Nice to meet you, how old are you?" I asked

"17" Yuuma said

"Your my brothers age which mean you might meet him" I said

"What's your brothers name?" He asked me

"Arsloid" I answered

"Is he home now?" Yuuma asked

"Yea" I said

"May I come over to meet him?" He asked

"Sure" I said

When we got to the house I let him in. Ia was still watching a movie with him.

"Hello Ia" Yuuma said

"Yuuma?" Ia said standing up

"Who are you?" Arsloid asked

"I'm your new neighbor, Yuuma." Yumma said

"Nice of you to take care of my cousin, Ia" Yuuma said

"Cousin?" I asked

"Yea that's the reason why you moved isn't it?" Ia asked

"Yea" Yumma said

"What did you do leave V and V4 to fend for themselves?" Ia asked with a mad tone.

"Who are they?" I asked

"His siblings" She said

"You better be nice or you wont see them anymore" Yuuma said

"That's up to them and the court" Ia said

"My friends can be VERY persuasive" Yuuma said with a smile.

Ia hung her head.

"Lets go home" Yuuma said to Ia

She began to walk out the door. she turned to Arsloid with tears in her eyes and mouthed "I'm sorry" then left.

"Should I call the police?" I asked

"No we'll watch him for now" Arsloid said.

"Right" I said

Me and him watched as Ia went into Yuuma's house with her head down.

I was hoping that Yuuma and Arsloid were going to be the best of friends but instead I gave him an enemy.

This is officially a war between my brother and Yuuma.

As for me I wanted to know more about his siblings. Were they abused and where are the parents?

Something told me I would find out soon.

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