Got "Him" to meet my boys

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I saw v4 grab his food and try walking a different direction. 

"Oh no you don't" I said as I grabbed his arm and dragged him to my table.

Me and the guys laughed for a while and I even got Len to laugh so hard, milk came out his nose.

I turned over for a second and looked back at my friends then I turned again.  v4 had his head down like he was sad. I saw some scratches on his hand but the rest was covered. I questioned it for a minute. But then I put my hand on his back, he sprung up.

"Guys this is my neighbor, V4" I announced to my table

"I was wondering what he was doing here" Piko said

"Hey, I'm Len" Len said

"I'm Piko" Piko said

V4 looked at both of them like they were crazy but looked down again.

"Did we say something wrong?" Len asked me

"V4 is shy" I chuckled

"AWW" Piko said trying to give him a hug

v4 looked shocked when Piko hugged him

"What's the matter? Doesn't any one ever hug you?" Len laughed

V4 shook his head and everyone went dead silent

"We will hug you!!!!" Len said as he ran over to him

V4 tugged on my jacket sleeve. I looked over and saw that v4 wasn't finding any of this funny.

The bell rang for next period.

Konoko (My bully) was in that class and the worse part was is that v4 got placed in front of him. luckily where v4 was is right next to me. I was looking over what v4 was drawing. He was drawing a dark garden and in the middle were two figures holding hands. I smiled because in a way it was cute... you know for a emo kid.

My smile faded when I got hit in the head with a paper ball thrown by Kanoko. V4 turned to look at me , I guess he was checking on me. Once I smiled he went make to doodling then Kanoko threw another ball at me.

v4 turned around to face him.

"What are you looking at Emo?" Kanoko said rudely

V4 turned back around then Kanoko threw a ball at v4. That didn't bother him but what did was when Kanoko  used v4's shoulder as a foot rest. v4 pushed his feet of of his shoulders. Then Kanoko hit v4 upside the head with a text book. Everyone in the class turned around because it made a loud noise.

"Is there a problem?" The teacher asked

"No sir" V4 said

The class turned back around. I was shocked because he could've said something but didn't.

It was after school and Kanoko and his goons were waiting in the front for me. I was so scared, every day I have after school beatings and if I miss one then I get double the hurt the next day. I headed down stairs and out the front door. Kanoko and his goons took me by my arms and into our normal beating spot which is the woods outside of school.

"Oh your gonna get it bad this time" Kanoko said with a smirk on his face.

Him and his friends tied me down and  were about to beat me with switches, stick and rocks like they usually do but today it was bb gun shots. I closed my eyes super closed and braced for it. Then I heard dogs growling. I look up and see the boys are stunned. behind the leash is a person in a hoody.

"Let him go" the figure said

"And if I don't? " Kanoko said

"Well you'll be a nice snack for my wolves" The figure said

Then dogs growled louder.

"They aren't real" Kanoko said

The figure let one dog go and it charged super fast and one of Kanoko's goons. The dog had his neck in his teeth.

"He wont bite unless I say" The figure said

"Ok ok we are gone!" Kanoko said

"Drop him" The figure ordered the dog.

The dog obeyed and walked back to its master.

Then kanoko and the others were gone

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