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After school me and v4 walked around town. I tried and tried to figure a way to hold his hand.

I said weird things like "Wow today must be national hold your date's hand day because look how many people are doing it or "Wow my hand feels empty". But nothing seemed to work until I tried a new approach.

When me and him got close enough I just grabbed his hand. He looked confused and almost scared but then I pulled him behind me like a master and his dog.

v4 didn't feel fully comfortable, probably because he is a guy. I feel a little embarrassed but I'm the one who is doing the hand holding so I don't feel that bad.

Me and v4 walked around the city to stores, shops and walks.

I wish I can tell why I felt like this. I'm already called a monster. As soon as I said that some one recognized me.

"awww the monster got himself a boy-friend" He said.

I didn't want V4 to get humiliated so I tried to let go of his hand but when I did he held it tightly.

"Aww he doesn't want you to let him go monster boy . " the boy snickered.

"Cant wait to tell my friends that your also gay" He added

"How is he gay exactly?" V4 asked

"He is holding your hand" He said

"Maybe you shouldn't be to quick to judge" V4 snickered holding out his school ID

"Whoa I'm sorry!" He said

"Beat it" V4 said

As soon as he left I looked at v4.

"What was that?" I asked

"My school ID" v4 said

"Let me see!" I said with a smile as I take it from him.

"No! my picture is bad" V4 said

I wasn't shocked bout the picture but of what it said on the bottom.

Sex: F

I dropped the ID on the floor

"Hey!" v4 said as SHE picked it up

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