The new kid in my class

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Ive had V4's phone number for awhile but was to scared to call. i have had V's number in my phone for a while like the day i got it.

I had to go to school and i asked if V is in school and she said yea but she doesn't have any classes with me.

I was kind of sad until the teacher said there was a new kid coming so then I got happy again. It was V but her brother would do nicely! Boys have way more things in common.

The teacher placed v4 in the back of the class. At least I could properly introduce myself and my friends at lunch.

After the boring lesson was done and I finished my work I turned around to noticed v4 was string at the paper. He almost looked....sad.

I walked over there and sat in the seat in front of him. No body sat there.

"Um hi, remember me?" I ask in a gentle voice

"Y-Yea, what do you want?" He asked me

"Well I came over here because you looked like you were struggling with the worksheet" I said

"Do you need my help?" I asked

"I didn't even bring a pencil" He said looking down

"That ok, I have a spare" I said grabbing one out of my pocket.

I gave it to him and he looked at me for a second like I was a wolf and he was a rabit

"You seem more gentle then the last time I talked to you, did something happen at home?" I asked

"N-No I'm perfectly fine" He said chuckling

I can tell when people are lying do to body language or tone.

The bell rang and he tossed his worksheet in his bag and tried to walk away.

"Hey wait a minute" I said

"What is it?" He asked

"You never finished the paper, maybe you can come over and finish because I have the answers" I said

"Uh sure" He said

"Great!" I said

"So where do you go next?" I asked

"Lunch" He said

"ME TOO!" I said

"Wanna sit with me and my friends?" I asked

"Uh but!" He said but I interrupted him

"You know what now that you are sheepish I'm not giving you a choice, your sitting with us!" I shout as I pull his arm to the cafeteria.

As I held his arm I felt something scratchy on his arm. I didn't think much of it first, I was to busy trying to get him to my table.

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