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I opened the door when someone rang the doorbell. " Mom.. " I said, forcing a smile. " Get my luggage from the car and put them in the guest room. " She pulled me out of the house and went to the kitchen to grab a glass of water.

I sighed as I thanked the driver while carrying her bags in the house. Struggling to carry them up the stairs. " You better be careful with those bags, missy. " I nodded as a response.

It was night time so I got ready for bed. I lied down and sighed. This is gonna be a long week. I thought as I slept.


I woke up the next morning a bit earlier to make breakfast for my 'mom'. I made a simple breakfast, bacon and eggs. I set them down on the table and she came down the stairs.

" You made breakfast? Good. " She said and sat on the table. She took a bite of the egg and spit it out. " What the hell is this crap? " I looked at her, nervous as hell.

" I-I'm sorry.. " I stood up and cleaned the mess she made. " Shut up, I didn't come here to eat shit. " She said and dropped her glass on the floor, shattering into pieces. " I'm going out to eat, make sure you clean this mess up and go to school. " She stood up and left.

I picked the pieces of glass on the floor when I accidentally hit my knee on one sharp glass, making me cringe in the pain. My knee was bleeding badly. I ignored it so that I could clean the mess up quickly. But it obviously didn't help when the sharp glass hit my hand.

After picking them up, I hurriedly went to the bathroom to clean my wounds and to put some bandages over them. The blood stained the white fabric as time went by. I washed up and changed into my uniform.

I went out of the house to see Jungkook leaning against one of the trees that they had planted infront of their house. Once he saw me, a wide grin was shown on his face. But the smile faded when I almost tripped walking upto him, because my knee was not cooperating.

He saw the bandage on both my knee and hand. " Oh my god, are you okay?! " He ran to me and held both my shoulders, trying to help me balance myself a bit." Did your step mom do this to you?! Let me in and allow me to beat the crap out of her. " He raged in anger. I stopped him before he was about to go in our house.

" Kookie, don't. " I said as I looked into his eyes. " Besides, she's not there. She went out to eat.. " I said and he stared at me with a worried expression. He sighed and nodded.

He held my free hand and we walked to school together. I didn't even care if he held my hand. My mind was just focused on how I was supposed to survive this week.

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