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I broke the kiss and looked right into her eyes. I couldn't believe what just happened. " So, what now? " She said as she looked down, I saw her cheeks become red. I chuckled, " Be mine? "

She looked up, at first she was surprised but her expression immediately became soft. She smiled widely while nodding happily, I hugged her under the stars and I heard her giggle while hugging me back.

" T-thank you.. " She softly said, " For what? " I asked, still not breaking the hug. " For listening to my explanation, for believing in me, for always being there, for literally everything you've done for me. " I pulled away from the hug and I saw her eyes getting a bit teary.

" Hey, don't cry. You didn't do anything wrong. " I softly said while stroking her cheek. " It's okay, as long as we're together now, I'll make sure that nobody will ever take you away from me. " I planted a kiss on her forehead and we both hugged again.


After that whole dramatic moment, we both went to the park. My hand held hers as we walked through the grassy fields. We both sat on the ground and gazed at the night sky.

We cuddled under the stars. After a few minutes, I heard a slight snore. I checked up on her and noticed that she was asleep. I slightly giggled and I brushed her hair gently. No words could explain how much I've waited for this moment.

We stayed like that for a while. Once she woke up, we talked about some things. " How'd you like me anyways? There's so many girls out there that are better than me. " She said, " Don't say that. Even if there are tons of girls out there, you'll still be the one I'd rather be with. " She looked down, and I saw her blush.

" It's getting pretty late, Mina. Let me take you home. You need rest. " She gave a slight nod and we both stood up. Mina stretched her hand out and I held onto it tightly.

Once we reached her house, we both stood infront of her door. " Well this is it. Bye, Kookie. " She smiled and unlocked the door. Before she came in, I grabbed her wrist and gave her a hug. " Kookie, let go. You need rest too. " She said while pulling away from the hug.

I pouted, " You can't go yet. " I said and she raised one of her eyebrows. " Why not? " She confusingly asked, " You still didn't give me a goodbye kiss. " (a/n: AGH OMG IM CRINGING EW SIJFKSDJDKJDSO)

She looked at me in disbelief as she rolled her eyes. She gave me a quick peck on the cheek and I pouted again. " What? " She asked as she cupped my cheeks, stroking them gently. " That's it? " I said with a sad expression.

" Go home, Kookie. " She chuckled as she slightly pat my cheek. She went in and said goodbye before closing the door. I sighed and went home.

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