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I was in the airport with the whole squad. Mark was leaving today. He was gonna stay in the States for a year or two. The past few weeks, I just made sure that I spent some quality time with him.

" I'm gonna miss you guys. " He said sadly while holding onto his luggage. " We're gonna miss you too, dude. Just call us when you need anything. " Namjoon said while patting his shoulder.

They were all waving goodbye. I waved as well, I felt tears on my eyes. Jungkook was beside me, his hand around my shoulder.

" Wait! " I shouted and he stopped walking. I ran to him and gave him a small box. " What's this? " He asked while taking it from me. " Just open it. " I said while smiling.

He opened it up and it was a bracelet that had a black star on it. " You remembered? " He said, tears flowing down from his eyes. I slowly nodded while putting my wrist up, showing the same bracelet, except the star was white.

The star represented our friendship when we were young. Whenever one of us were going through something, we would always go to our usual spot on the park and look at the stars. We would always talk about the beauty of it.

Whenever one of us is away, the stars would always remind us of each other. All the tearful and happy moments we've had under the stars were unforgettable. He was like a brother to me. But it's kind of weird after I friendzoned him. Nevertheless, I'm happy that we can still be the best of friends.

" Thank you. " He said softly and smiled. We both hugged for quite a long while before someone pulled both of us away. " Okay, that's enough. " Jungkook said while trying to remove his arms around me.

" My god, Jungkook. They were having their alone time. " Jin facepalmed. I chuckled and pinched Jungkook's cheeks as he pouted.

" Well, goodbye for now. I'll text you guys on the group chat once I arrive. " He said while slowly walking away. " Yeah, you better! See you soon! " Jackson shouted and waved.

I watched as his figure was slowly disappearing in my sight. The more I couldn't see him anymore, the more tears fall down on my face. Jungkook wrapped his arms around me, trying his very best to atleast make me feel better a bit.

" Thanks, love. " I said and he pulled away.  " Love? "  He repeated, shocked. " Why? You don't like that? " I raised one of my eyebrows. " No, it's just weird. Just call me Kookie. " He said and I chuckled. " Okay, Kookie. " I said and he grinned widely.

" That's better. " He hugged me again and I felt him kiss the top of my head.


It was the next day and the whole squad was staying over at my house tonight. " Hey, Mark's calling! " Jackson said while showing his laptop. We all stood up from our seats to go closer to him as he answered his call.

" Hey, guys! " He said while smiling brightly. " Why haven't you been answering our texts? We missed you! " Jinyoung said and the others agreed.

" Sorry, " He shyly smiled. " Once I arrived, my relatives came over and we had a small welcome party. " We all just nodded and continued chatting with him.

I will say that I've missed him. Sometimes in the call, he would fix his hair a bit. And as he did, I could see thd bracelet I gave him. I smiled to myself in satisfaction.

" Okay, I gotta go now. " He said and the others whined. " Let's talk again some other time. " Mark said again. We all said our goodbyes and he ended the call.

We all stood up and got ready for bed. I was staying in my room with Hyeri while the others, well I honestly don't know. There's so much people in the house that I don't even know how they could fit in here.

The others slept in the guest room while the others slept in the living room. I was lying down on the bed with Hyeri.

" You asleep? " She asked softly. " Nope, why? " She turned around because her back was facing me. " I just felt like we haven't talked in so long after we both got in relationships. " She said and I slightly giggled. " It's okay. " I said reassuringly.

That night, we just talked about things we've missed out on. She would often talk about her dates with Yugyeom and after that, she would turn into a messed up tomato.


We were now all eating breakfast, " Hey, since it's a vacation. How about we go on a trip together? The whole squad. " Jaebum suggested. " That's a great idea! " Jimin said.

" So what do you guys think? " Jaebum asked again and we all agreed. " What about we go to that private beach that Hyeri's family owns? " I asked and they all gave their attention to Hyeri.

Hyeri was shocked and didn't know what to do because the boys were literally pleading so much. " Fine, I'll inform my parents. " She finally said and the boys cheered.

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