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" Grace? " I stood there in shock. I thought she left to go abroad. " Jungkook, can we talk? " Grace said and I hesitantly nodded.


Mina's Point of View:

" Jungkook, can we talk? " She said. So Grace is my step sister? No wonder she looked familiar. Some of her features were the same as my step mom.

Once they left, I didn't know what to do. My parents would definitely not approve of our relationship. Especially my step mom, when the only thing she wants me to do is study. My father would agree, but after my step mom having control over my father's decisions, everything has changed.

" Mina. Get inside, now. " My step mom said sternly. I walked in slowly while hanging my head low. I was carrying the groceries after Jungkook left. I placed them down the counter and my parents were sitting on the dining table, they were watching my every move.

" Was that your boyfriend? " My dad said with no expression as he drank his tea. " Y-yes. " I said while my head was still hanging low. " No, Mina. You know you can't have a boyfriend while you're still studying. " My dad said, he was never like this. " B-but dad, I still make sure that my studies ar- "

" Enough! " I was cut off from my dad shouting, I looked at him in shock. " Break up with him. Having a boyfriend won't get you anywhere. " He said coldly. I didn't know what to do.

I was scared, I was afraid. I glanced at my step mom and I saw her smirking. I knew she had something to do with my father's current behavior. He never treated me like this, he would always be there to just make sure that I was happy. He respected my decisions and I was happy. But now, things suddenly changed.

" We came to tell you something. " My father said, breaking the silence. I just looked at him confusingly. " You're going to live in the States with us. " My mother said happily. I was shocked yet disgusted at the same time. She probably asked my father for this.

What was I going to tell Jungkook?

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