[81] The Masquerade

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Original: May 11, 2018

July 11, 2018
I told my best friend I shipped gay stuff. Now we're making gay jokes 25/8. I'm very happy.
TW: Death mentions but no one of the sides died.

"Welcome, everybody, to Tio Ulmea, the masquerade ball of the century! Grattisimo!" Roman Sanders yelled out, making the entire room holler in agreement.

"I am so glad that all of you could come and participate in my great ball. This shall be the most rememberable ball! Please, enjoy yourselves as we shall dance the night away."

The night went well, some started to damce along the beat, others stood by and talked with each other. Gays were definitely encouraged to come and join.

Yes, the author included that.

Yes, the author broke the wall.

Pft, no you cannot fix the fourth wall.

Logan danced with his husband, Patton, as soon as it started. It was more like Patton wanted to and Logan knew that he wouldn't be able to say no to him so he agreed.

A man stood against the wall, his clothes shimmering in the well-lit room, but no one seemed to talk to him.

Roman took up the courage and walked up to the man. "Hello there. Who might you be?"

The man tsk-ed, "You don't even know who you invited to your own ball?"

"Well, I am not the one sending out the invitation cards so yes, I do not even know you at all. Are you with someone here...?"

"I guess, I'm with my brother and his husband, Logan."

"Oh, Patton, right? He's such a fine gentleman, I say. Too bad something's going to happen tonight," Roman sighed and laughed maniacally.

"What's going to happen?!"

"You'll see.. For now, may I have this dance? I could spare your brother, his husband, and your own life~"

Virgil hesitantly agreed to what the Roman had said. They danced until a crash was heard and they, along with Patton and Logan (who they managed to nab out of the chaos), escaped.

"What did Roman do?!" Patton huffed out in worry. Roman smiled and said, "Don't worry~ They're getting what they deserve..."

The lights blacked out again and one by one, they heard bodies drop down to the ground. Roman sighed and walked to his sofa, then proceeded to bring out a walkie talkie.

"It's done," it sparked out.

Roman's eyes darkened and gave the three a cold smile. "Thank you for attending Tio Ulmea, the greatest masquerade ball of the century.

"Or should I call it Mia Ulteo...

My vengence..."

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