{1} Nori's Phone call.

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"I think your mouth should be quiet, 'Cause it never tells the truth."

Scene Five ~ Sleeping with Sirens

"Hey Nori, would you mind doing me a favor?" Mel asked as she sprinted into the family room. She walked into the kitchen and came out with two water bottles. "Catch." She through me one, and chuckled as I caught it.

"Yeah, Aunt M?"

"I'm going to be a judge on America's got Talent. I need you to stay here in England and watch the house." She smiled widely, indicating she was hiding something. I narrowed my eyes at her causing her chuckle nervously ad She took her necklace off the coffee table, and put it on. It was a silver chain with a large blue eagle. Damn, how hasn't her neck snapped, that thing must weigh a ton?!

"Melanie Janine Brown, what are you hiding from me?" I laughed trying to ease her a bit, she glanced at her phone which suddenly started ringing. She slowly walked to get it off the kitchen divider, she showed me who was calling and rolled her eyes, then mouthed he's obsessed before picking up.

God, my aunt is a bitch!

No wonder.

"Scary spice, I get I now!"

"Hello? Yes, this is Mel B." She flipped me the finger and mouthed You know where you get sass from, now. "Hi Simon... she said yes, It's all of them correct? No, not at all... Them as well?! Wait- girls... Nori should be fine... Well, I have the room... It's fine." She smiled awkwardly at me, locking her phone.

"What did I agree to?"

"House sit."

"Mel B, you're a damn horrid liar-"

"Your mobile is ringing!" She chuckled, knowing she won and I didn't get to know what ever the hell she's lying about. She shook her hips then ran towards the stairs. "I'm going to finish packing!"


"Good afternoon, Nori." A deep British accent boomed through my phone. I winced and pulled the phone away, I think I burst a ear drum.

"Hello, Uncle Simon." I sighed knowing what was coming, a favor. The many perks of being Mel B's niece, I know many producers personally.

Please notice my sarcasm.

"I just wanted to thank you, love."

"Excuse me, for what?"

"Letting the boys stay with you, while your aunt and I leave to America." He said cheerily, but it soon fades as he notices I wasn't responding. I can just picture him sitting in a white chair, with one arm on the rest and his forehead in his fingers shaking his head.

"She didn't ask you, did she?"

"Ask me what?"

"Nori, Is it alright if the boys stay with you while Mel and I are gone?" He asked lightly, as if it would pursued me to say yes. I'll admit, the quietness in his voiced helped a bit.

"The boys, Simon I don't know?"

"They aren't much trouble."

"Your sure?"


"Alright, but you owe me Uncle Si."

"Thank you, Nori." He sighed. "That's a large weight off my shoulders, just make sure they behave. I don't want any accidents, the publicity would ruin them and I." He said sternly.

"Ok Simon, how old are they, 10?"

"You could say that, yes. They should be arriving later today. I assume Mel has finished packing?" He groaned and chuckled lightly after I didn't respond. "Who am I kidding, how much of her closet is she done with?"



"I know right, a royal pain." I said in a manly voice, making Simon chuckle. "Hey, I made you laugh! Maybe, I should addition for Britain's got Talent, yeah?"

"It's a No from me, Nori."

"Talk to you later, Uncle Simon."

"Bye Nori, take care of my boys!"


Hey guys,

Could u please give this story a chance? I always have weak beginnings to my books, it's frustrating. Thank you, for reading this anyway if you're already bored of this. Oh, and if you don't want to continue because there's alot of 'living with One direction/ 5SOS' books. Let me just say, I don't copy concepts of different books in my books so this should be different from those- as like to say- 5 minute love stories.

{Emma Watson as Nori Brookes}

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